Kansas State Chapter of Delta Chi at Kansas State University
Issue link: https://www.epageflip.net/i/865218
Delta Chi Fraternity at Kansas State University FALL 2017 (Continued on page 4) A s the "A" or president of the Kansas State Chapter, I am excited to share with you the many accomplishments of the under- graduate chapter and alumni during the spring and summer of 2017. Our chapter has focused on many aspects to better the Fraternity this year, including leadership, scholarship, philanthropy, and the bond of brotherhood. Presidential Victory This past spring the chapter assisted Jack Ayres '18 with the daunting election for Kansas State student body president. Jack is the third Delta Chi to be elected student body president since 1998. The two others are Tracey Mann '00 and Zac Cook '03. Additionally, Kansas State Delta Chi has helped elect the first Greek mem- ber as vice president. Aaron Otto '96, Todd Kohman '03, and Grant Goene '07 are Delta Chis who have served as student body vice pres- ident. Jack's running mate and a member of Chi Omega, Olivia Baalman, ran a strong campaign with a message of "Your Degree. Your Campus. Your Voice." Their platform was focused on improved advising, transportation, and a strong emphasis on students having their voices heard in decisions made by the University. Through- out Jack's campaign, support from brothers was crucial, as they stepped in to take on late night chalking and shifts at the campaign table. Jack went on to win the student body election and has provided a great amount of insight and service to other Delta Chis looking to get involved in student government and campus leadership. We are excited to see the impact he will have on the University in the next year! Philanthropic Pursuits We started a new event in our philanthropic ef- forts this semester. After working with Theta Xi on the Fish Fry for many years, we decided to create new opportunities and build new relation- ships with other chapters on campus. We ulti- mately decided to partner with Beta Theta Pi to organize the first annual Meatball Madness. This Fraternity Support Propels Jack Ayres '18 to a Presidential Victory FOCUSING ON LEADERSHIP, SCHOLARSHIP, AND PHILANTHROPY LEADS TO A GREAT SEMESTER Brothers gathered in support of Jack Ayres'18, as he anxiously awaited the election results of his successful 2017 student body president election. Head Kansas State Football Coach Bill Snyder delivers a speech about values to attendees of the first annual Meatball Madness philanthropy event with Beta Theta Pi. The chapter raised over $3,000 to benefit the V Foundation for Cancer Research in honor of Coach Snyder. event was held during March Madness, allowing the community to come eat spaghetti and meat- balls while watching rounds of March Madness. When we heard of Coach Bill Snyder's cancer diagnosis we decided to donate all the proceeds to the V Foundation in honor of him. When he found out we planned on doing this he decided to speak at the event. In the end, we had an amaz- ing turnout for a great cause raising a little over $3,000. The V Foundation liked the idea of the event so much they sent us a personalized certif- icate we will be presenting to Bill for his office. Alumni Support Leads to a New Scholarship Additionally, our chapter continues to focus on academics and scholarship. Former chapter Pres- ident Chase Bouse '18 started the leg work with the Educational Foundation on the new Hunter Scholarship, which will award $500 to a mem- ber facing unexpected financial burdens. This is an exciting new addition to the scholarships gra- ciously provided from the support of our alumni and Educational Foundation. The chapter cannot thank our alumni enough for your continued sup- port. Along with the Hunter Scholarship we will be repurposing the Dar Cline Memorial Schol- arship to award a brother who receives a 4.0 GPA for the semester. This spring we had eight brothers finish with a 4.0 GPA. In addition to this achievement, our chapter GPA of 3.23 ranked us ninth out of 26 fraternities on campus. The chap- ter finished well above the all-university male average and all-fraternity average. Collectively, we are always striving to climb the rankings and continue our strong focus on academic achieve- ment. Our spring associate member class of five new men finished third out of 26 with a 3.5 GPA. We are looking to continue to recruit men who strive for excellence in academics. Jay Knopf '08, dedicated alumnus and owner of KS Nativescapes, worked alongside members of the chapter to bring life back into a portion of the backyard at 1904 Grandview.