Up & Coming Weekly

June 06, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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24 UCW JUNE 7-13, 2017 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM 433 Hay Street Fayetteville, NC 28301-5537 www.FayettevilleNC.gov (910) 433-1FAY (1329) /cityoffayettevillegovernment Insta Follow Your City on Social Media: Engaging You About Your City Government Engaging You About Your City Government City Receives NC3C Excellence in Communications Award The City of Fayetteville was among 22 North Carolina local governments to earn recognition in the 10th North Carolina City & County Communicators' (NC3C) Excellence in Communications Awards recently. The City of Fayetteville received a first place award for its Hurricane Matthew Informational Campaign. The City's Corporate Communications Department extensively promoted the status of city and county services and weather updates using multiple platforms and methods. The judges commented that Hurricane Matthew provided a significant convergence of importance and urgency. They indicated that the Fayetteville team rose to the challenge, possibly saving untold lives while also generating vast amounts of social and traditional media reach. "We are honored to receive this award. It is a tribute to the teamwork and dedication of the Corporate Communications staff, the County communications staff and all the other City and County departments that helped provide up-to-date information to our residents to keep them informed before, during and after the hurricane," Corporate Communications Director Kevin V. Arata said. "We are honored to have been chosen for this award and thank NC3C for recognizing our efforts." The awards were presented at the NC3C's Annual Spring Conference in Charlotte, during which the organization celebrated 10 years of existence. More than 133 entries were received. Judges for the NC3C Excellence in Communications Awards were government communication professionals from Kansas, Arizona, Texas, Michigan, Maryland and Oregon. Each judge's department has previously won state or national communications awards. Categories included TV & Videos, Communication Technology, Special Events, Printed Publications, Most Creative Project for the Least Amount of Funds, Citizen Participation and Marketing Tools. The purpose of North Carolina City & County Communicators is to encourage professional development and networking among local governmental communications professionals. The organization was formed in March 2007 and is made up of government professional communicators from around the state. For more information about NC3C, visit the website, www.nc3c.com. New Gateway Signs Spruce Up City Corridor Entrances The City of Fayetteville has installed new gateway signs to spruce up Fayetteville's main corridor entrances. The purpose is to give Fayetteville a fresher look to motorists entering the city and provide consistent branding to gateway signs across the city. Signs have already been installed at the following locations: Raeford and Hook Loop roads intersection, as you enter Fayetteville coming from Hoke County Ramsey Street, exiting off 295 entering Fayetteville Bragg Boulevard, exiting off 295 entering Fayetteville Murchison Road, exiting off 295 entering Fayetteville Those signs will also feature accent lighting and professional landscaping, which will be completed in the coming weeks. Fayetteville-Cumberland Parks & Recreation is leading the installation effort of city employees to complete the signage project under the direction of Mayor Pro Tem Mitch Colvin, Chair of the Gateway Committee. "We want our city to feel welcoming to residents and others who are visiting our city," Colvin said. "This is just the first of many more visible steps we've made to improve our gateways. There are more signs and more projects that will be forthcoming as we work to improve what people see as they enter Fayetteville." For more information other Gateway Committee projects, log onto www.FayettevilleNC.gov/gateways. KENNETH MAYNER, MPA, Chief Branding Officer, City of Faye eville Corporate Communica ons Department, Contribu ng Writer. While others retreat, we are moving forward. Some publication's numbers are falling behind. Your free community paper is moving forward. Readership of free community papers is now higher than paid daily papers, and continues to grow. Rather than being replaced by "instant" media, your local free community paper has become an important part of our neighborhood. Another sign we're working for you. Free Papers Working For You

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