Desert Messenger

September 19, 2012

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WED. SEPT. 19, 2012 VOL. 9 - #158 9th www.DesertMessenger .com "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" 541-218-2560 N�� �� ��� YEAR! ����� | S���� B���C�� Meet New Quartzsite Interim Town Manager Laura Bruno WHAT'S INSIDE ������ | S������ R��� G�����-B��� Quartzsite Elementary School remembers 9/11 By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear Quartzsite Elementary School (QES) held a ceremony to mark the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Students, faculty and parents gath- ered to remember the sacrifi ces so many made that morning. Local Boy Scout Troop 116 performed the Flag Raising Ceremony while students respectfully watched at their monthly assembly which happened to fall on September 11th. QES Superintendent Jacque Price explained the signifi cance of the day to the students and about The Gathering Place of Quartzsite for Good Food, Fun and Friendship! why we need to remember the sad events of Sep- tember 11, 2001. Price said, "We should all remem- ber those who lost their lives that day. The nation was forever changed that day."- The three boys participating wereBill Bedzyk, Jona- than McElwain and Wayn Behrendt. Quartzsite Elementary School Students of the Month were then honored. SEE HONOR STUDENTS PAGE 13 MAIN ST. EATERY Open 6 am DAILY ! 2 Editorial 3 Town Hall Changes 4 Letters to Editor 8 Around Town 9 Voices from the Past 12 Adventures in Rock 16 Church Directory 17 Perspectives 18 Obituaries 20 Puzzle Page 21 Astrology 22 Paul Winer's Comic 23 Classifi eds Fish FRIDAYS! Prime Rib SATURDAYS! Eggs Benedict Breakfast SAT. & SUN. $6 DINNER SPECIALS! Sun. Mon. Tues. Thurs. OPEN YEAR-ROUND! >>>> 205 E. Main Street, Quartzsite <<<< 928-927-4163 SEE CHANGES PAGE 3

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