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WED. SEPT. 5, 2012 VOL. 9 - #157 9th www.DesertMessenger .com "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" 541-218-2560 Hundreds turn out for Dollar General Grand Opening By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear Saturday, September 1st was the Grand Opening of the new Dollar General store in Quartzsite. The store fi rst opened its doors to custom- ers on Thursday, August 16. Hundreds of eager shoppers turned out in hopes of being the fi rst 50 to receive a $10 Gift Card handed out by Manager, Paul Madewell . [See photos Page 13] Dollar General Corp., the nation's largest small-box discount re- tailer, is a U.S. chain of variety stores headquartered in Goodlettsville, Tennessee. The stores serve smaller communities than those where Walmart would go. Although it has the word "dollar" in the name, Dollar General is not a dollar store. Many of its offerings are priced at more than one dollar. Hours of the store will be 8am-9pm daily. ����� | S���� B���C�� ����� | S������ R��� G�����-B��� Chief of Police and Town Manager placed on leave By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear Quartzsite Town Council placed Town Manager Alexandra Taft on paid administrative leave with no explanation during a special council meeting on August 28th. Town Clerk Terry Frausto was named Acting Town Manager. Here's a timeline of recent events: • Sunday, Aug. 19th: Quartzsite Police Chief Jeff Gilbert issued a press release stating on Aug. 13th he received a copy of the criminal inves- tigation conducted by AZ DPS Re- port #2011-027462 against himself and Sgt. Xavier Frausto, along with a The Gathering Place of Quartzsite for Good Food, Fun and Friendship! Turndown notice declining the case by the AZ Attorney General's Offi ce. The case was declined for "Victim/Witness Credibility Problems"; "Inadequate Evidence of Intent"; "Inadequate Evidence of Corraboration"; and "No Reasonable Likelihood of Conviction". This was the third criminal investiga- tion over the past few years made by then Mayor Ed Foster. Gilbert said, "I have been exoner- ated, along with the other members of the department each time. Sergeant Frausto has served this community for nearly twenty years with his com- plete dedication to the community." Gilbert also stated he has documented evidence that Foster participated with another party and submitted a fabri- cated and forged letter to DPS in 2010. Gilbert thanked the town and com- munity members who provided their continued support and stood behind them over the course of those false al- legations and complaints. Neither the Town of Quartzsite nor the AG's offi ce have yet to issue any press release regarding Chief Gilbert and Frausto. However, Friday, in a similar situation the "AG's offi ce releases re- port exonerating Pinal County Sheriff Babeu of criminal wrongdoing." SEE TOWN HALL PAGE 5 $ 325 BREAKFAST SPECIALS Mon-Fri. till 11am Open DAILY 6am MAIN ST. EATERY 2 Editorial 3 WHAT'S INSIDE Election Results 4 Letters to Editor 8 Around Town 9 Voices from the Past 13 Adventures in Rock 16 Church Directory 17 Perspectives 18 Obituaries 20 Puzzle Page 21 Astrology 22 Paul Winer's Comic 23 Classifi eds Fish FRIDAYS! Prime Rib SATURDAYS! Eggs Benedict Breakfast SAT. & SUN. $6 DINNER SPECIALS! Sun. Mon. Tues. Thurs. OPEN YEAR-ROUND! >>>> 205 E. Main Street, Quartzsite <<<< 928-927-4163 N�� �� ��� YEAR!