Kansas State Chapter of Delta Chi at Kansas State University
Issue link: https://www.epageflip.net/i/783267
Delta Chi Fraternity at Kansas State University SPRING 2017 RECENT IMPROVEMENTS RAISE PROPERTY VALUE AT 1904 GRANDVIEW House Corporation to Research Alternative Housing Options T he Delta Chi House Corporation at KSU has made significant investments in 1904 Grandview. The first project was a bathroom renovation on the second floor, which was a complete gut and replacement that included removing a window, installing new water supply lines from the basement, a new plumbing stack put in place, as well as a new sink, toilet, and shower. The side entry door was also replaced along with some much-needed landscaping. These updates will go a long way to maintain our investment, improve the functionality of the building, and increase our property value. In addition, we have met with chapter members to assemble our next phase of updates. Right now, we are gathering information regarding a couple of future housing options; these options include two plans of action. The first plan is to rough out estimated costs to obtain land and construct a traditional house for 20 individuals. The second plan is to rough out estimated costs to construct an apartment-style building to house 20 individuals. Both of these ideas come directly from the lessons we have learned from the large 60-man house at 508 Sunset. We do not want to get ourselves into a large facility, forcing the chapter membership to remain full in order to meet expense obligations. For those of you who have been around through that situation, you saw an empty bed fee placed on members to help make up for the shortcomings of recruitment and members living in the house. In addition, the age of the Sunset house and the cost to upgrade and maintain it became increasingly unsustainable. What we have embarked on with our purchase of 1904 Grandview, just three years ago, is to completely flip the scenario around. Obtain a smaller location and produce demand by having a much smaller capacity. This removes the large cost burden of a large house and allows the membership to focus on what is more important. All of this is predicated on having a unique, quality chapter and member experience and providing our younger brothers with a group-living environment that many of us enjoyed and some of us wished we had. We welcome your input as brothers and supporters of our brotherhood. Please contact me at dichiser@yahoo.com with any questions. Fraternally, Mike Dichiser '95 House Corporation President The recent chapter house improvements included landscaping that gives 1904 Grandview more curb appeal. The Kansas State Delta Chi Educational Foundation Establishes New Giving Society T he Kansas State Delta Chi Educational Foundation has created a new alumni giving program, the 1964 Society. All tax-deductible gifts donated to the society through the Kansas State Delta Chi Educational Foundation will help sustain the chapter. Funds raised from the 1964 Society fund will help to support our alumni communications efforts, including high- quality newsletters and alumni bio updates for the Kansas State Chapter. Entry into this important society requires that alumni contribute an annual membership gift of $235.68 (or $19.64 a month for 12 months). Making donations to the Kansas State Chapter has never been easier as reoccurring payments and one-time online gifts are available on our website at ksudeltachi.com/foundation/. These contributions are tax deductible to the (Continued on page 2)