Kansas State Chapter of Delta Chi at Kansas State University
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Delta Chi Fraternity at Kansas State University FALL 2016 T H O M A S H U N T E R ' 6 9 : A Man Anyone Would Be Proud to Call His Brother (Continued on page 2) M ore than six years have passed since the untimely death of Thomas Hunter '69 from complications of cancer. Tom was not only our friend and brother, but was a valuable member of his community and church. Many of us worked with Tom through various projects at K-State's Delta Chi chap- ter, including creating the first com- munal living arrangements at Tattarax Apartments, locating and purchasing the house on Sunset Avenue, and working to grow the alumni associa- tion, housing corporation, and foster- ing the general growth of Delta Chi. Tom served as Chapter "A"; he also served as treasurer to a number of K-State Delta Chi alumni groups. He was instrumental in protect- ing funds from the sale of the Fairchild chapter house that allowed for the creation of a scholar- ship fund for the children of KSU Delta Chis. Although nothing will bring Tom back, we can perpetuate his memory and advance his legacy by providing a lasting memorial to the continua- tion of the chapter along with aiding the growth of our younger brothers at Kansas State. Based on a recommendation from the undergraduate chapter, the Kansas State Delta Chi Educa- tional Foundation created its first needs-based scholarship and dedi- cated it to honor the memory of Tom Hunter. With ever-increasing fees and tuition costs, the chapter watched members suffer true financial hardships and asked something be done to help. The Foundation set a goal of raising a $10,000 endowment, which will provide at least one $500 scholarship in perpetuity to benefit K-State Delta Chi brothers. The undergraduate chapter also issued a challenge to its alumni. Our undergraduate brothers will match every two dollars the alumni raise to one dollar from the chapter to create this scholarship, up to the first $3,400. Nearly $8,000 of the $10,000 goal has already been raised. Below is a list of donors who have already con- tributed to this endeavor. Please join in the effort to help raise the last $2,000 for the endow- ment and help these worthy young Wildcats complete their education. This scholarship is one way to help mentor these men into the type of community members we strove to be while at K-State. All contribu- tors will have their names engraved into a plaque placed in the chapter house. Checks can be made out to the Kansas State Delta Chi Educa- tional Foundation and returned in the enclosed envelope. For more information, please contact Aaron Otto '98 at (571) 235- 2183 or at ottomatic98@hotmail.com. Kansas State Delta Chi Educational Foundation Scholarships T he Kansas State Delta Chi Educa- tional Foundation was created in 1998 to provide a means for alumni, parents, friends, and undergraduates to sup- port the educational and programming needs of the Kansas State Chapter and its members though tax-deductible charitable gifts. The Foundation currently sponsors the following scholarships: James Komatz Incoming Stu- dent Memorial Scholarship This scholarship is awarded in memory of James M. Komatz '97, who passed away on July 15, 1998, after a long struggle with can- cer. The $250 annual scholarship supports educational opportunities for outstanding incoming students at Kansas State. Killingsworth Leadership Grant This grant is provided in memory of C.C. Killingsworth, the father of Kansas State alumnus and Delta Chi brother Matt Kill- ingsworth '02, who died in the line of duty while serving in the Wichita Fire Depart- ment. The grant supports leadership devel- opment activities through an annual grant in the amount of $750. Don Edwards Memorial Scholarship This scholarship is awarded in memory of Don Edwards '74, an alumni board mem- ber who was instrumental in the acquisition of the chapter's second chapter house. The scholarship is awarded each semester in the amount of $250 to the member with the greatest increase in their GPA semester after semester. Thomas Hunter '69 served as chapter president for the 1968- 69 academic year. A brother and a face we will never forget. Anonymous Phillip D. McManus '63 C. Lynn McFadden '65 Larry Turnbull '66 Herbert A. Roes '67 Stanley A. Salisbury '67 David W. Simmonds '67 David A. Grider '68 Craig R. Shove '68 William P. Young '68 John M. Koger Jr. '69 Thomas D. Haney Jr. '70 Warren H. McLeod '70 Jan L. Rayl '70 Gregory T. Armon '71 Thomas J. McMillen '71 William E. Monroe '71 Dan C. Yunk '71 Mark D. Alley '95 Michael K. Dichiser '95 Jonathon F. Zwetzig '95 Trice S. Alford '96 Aaron A. Otto '98 Corey A. Rasmussen '98