Zeta Chi Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at Missouri State University
Issue link: https://www.epageflip.net/i/737199
A ll Zeta Chi alumni should be proud of the accomplishments the Zeta Chi Alumni Association (ZXAA) has made. We continue to promote brotherhood for life and work to ensure Pi Kappa Alpha prospers at Missouri State University. Last August, the ZXAA received our sixth consecutive William R. Nester award for Alumni Association of the Year. For alumni, this is equivalent to the chapter winning the Smythe award. The Zeta Chi Alumni Association is once again considered one of the best by Pike Headquarters. Competition is fierce for these awards and we need to keep growing and improving in order to continue down this path of excellence. While awards are nice, the real reason the ZXAA exists is to keep Pi Kappa Alpha alive for our alumni. I would rather see old friends renewing a connection after decades apart than receiving an award any day. The alumni association continues to host numerous events throughout the year and we had more than 200 alumni attend events in 2015-16. Our premier event of the year is Homecoming. This year, Homecoming will be special because the undergraduates have moved into their new house. We haven't had a Homecoming at a chapter house with Pike letters for nearly 14 years. I hope to see you there or at other alumni events in the future. For a full schedule of Homecoming events and times, please see the biographical update inserted in this issue of The Zeta Chi Pikeline. If you have ideas about events or how to attract alumni, please e-mail me at alumni@zetachipikes.com. I would love to hear your input. Lastly, I want to thank all alumni who paid their membership dues, participated in a fundraiser, attended events, or volunteered their time for the ZXAA. Your support is what fuels this worthy cause. Fraternally, Jeff Counts '90 ZXAA President alumni@zetachipikes.com (636) 675-5890 Zeta Chi Alumni Association Named Alumni Association of the Year Connect with Zeta Chi at Homecoming in October Zeta Chi's new chapter house at 1117 E. Elm Street. THe ZeTa CHi PIKELINE Fall 2016 ZEtA ChI ChAPtEr of PI KAPPA ALPhA At MIssourI stAtE uNIvErsItY Zeta Chi Alumni Association 2016-17 Goals • Promote lifetime brotherhood through alumni events and communications • Win the William R. Nester award for Alumni Association of the Year • Raise $15,000 revenue through dues, alumni giving, and/or the annual campaign • Ensure the undergraduate chapter prospers at Missouri State • We do this through mentoring, the alumni advisory board, sponsoring scholarships, and setting expectations • Have fun! Zeta Chi Alumni Association Executive Committee OffiCers President / Jeff Counts '90 VP Communications / Tom inman '92 VP Membership / ryan robinson '09 Treasurer / Bron Launsby '91 Secretary / Jay Nicholson '75 exeCuTive COmmiTTee memBers Housing Corporation President mac Humphries '71 AAB President / Jim Wilson '81 Young Alumni Coordinator / Derek Pon '12 Scholarship Chairman / Jim roebuck '81 Firetruck Chairman / mike Pearson '75 memBers-aT-Large Barry Johnson '72 Dave stewart '73 Tim Nichols '81 mike Dailey '82 Todd Branson '90 See photos from our ribbon cutting ceremony on page 3.