Desert Messenger

September 07, 2016

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����� | J������� M�E����� 2 September 7, 2016 We're working to keep you safe. This includes: Natural gas lines can be buried anywhere. Leaks can occur due to natural disasters, corrosion, and careless or unsafe excavation. Natural gas leaks may lead to evacuations, service outages, fire, property damage, injury, or loss of life. For more information about natural gas pipeline safety, visit or call 1-877-860-6020. Call 911 and Southwest Gas at 1-877-860-6020 immediately If you ever suspect a natural gas leak, whether you're our customer or not... Natural Gas SAFETY • Routinely patrolling, testing, repairing, and replacing our pipelines. • Continually meeting or exceeding all federal and state requirements and standards for safe pipeline operation and maintenance. • Regularly communicating and training with emergency responders. Celebrate Quartzsite Volunteers! Volunteer Name ______________________________________ Group (if applicable) _____________________________________ What does the person do? _________________________________ Why do you feel he/she should be honored? _____________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Volunteer is: □ Age 19 + over □ Age 18 & under NOMINATION FORM Town of Quartzsite Health & Development Board wishes to honor our year-round Quartzsite Vol- unteers! Nominate your favorite Year-Round Volunteer by SEPT. 14th. Voting forms will be in the Sept. 21st Desert Messenger as well as online: Winners will be announced and honored at Quartzsite Coun- cil Meeting on Tues. October 25th. Return Nomination Forms by SEPT. 14 to Town Hall, Senior Center or Transit Drivers. You can also Nominate Online at by SEPT. 14. Town of Quartzsite 465 N. Plymouth Ave., Quartzsite, AZ 85346 928-927-4333. Space donated by Desert Messenger Youth Speakers from the Gover- nor's Youth Commission, Andrew Cultum and Eric Glass spoke of how to inspire, equip, and mobi- lize youth to take the lead in their communities as they help solve the greatest challenges facing teens in Arizona. The Commissioners high- lighted how they got involved, the key concepts and planning tools used at the community level. This year, the GYC identified five issue areas that are most affecting teens in their communities: substance abuse, bullying, teen dating vio- lence, distracted driving, and civics education. YOUTH PROGRAM There were several motivational speakers at the conference. The first speakers of the day were from the Governor's Youth Commis- sion. The next speaker was Alonzo Jones Associate Athletic Director from Arizona State University. He talked about thinking about, pre- paring for, and projecting yourself as a College Graduate. After lunch we had a presentation from Tristan Gandolfi, the founder and CEO of Humor Writes and how she saw a direct correlation between game play and literacy. She also realized how improvisation (or improv) uti- lizes the unknown to develop lead- ership, confidence, and once in a lifetime comedy. After Ms. Gandolfi finished her presentation, everyone went out and socialized for an hour on what each youth group is doing in their community. It gave the QYC many different ideas about what we can do for Quartzsite. After that we all gathered back for the last pre- sentation of the day given by Pal- oma Ibañez, Senior Development Associate of a group called Javelina. Leaders will explore their leader- ship style(s) through an assessment and set some personal next steps such as learning about and leaning into the leader you can be. CONFERENCE FROM PAGE 1 By Rhiyanna Timberlake During the week August 22nd I was given the privilege of attending the Arizona League of Cities and Town conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. I started the week by attending a body language class as a pre-conference on the first day. I learned a lot about how we don't just use words to com- municate. The second day was the full day of the Youth Program. After the Parade of Flags, they split all of the youth into different groups and gave them a table with a letter on it. The tables where for our teams for the scavenger hunt. With each group they placed a couple of adult chap- erones. As we were about to start the scavenger hunt, they gave all the adults a copy of the answers and all of the teams one copy of the clue sheet and a map of the resort. As we all set out to find our first clue, my team's first stop was a quiz station, where they asked random questions about history or math and we all had to work together to answer the questions. It took us two tries. Once we finally had all of our questions answered correctly, we were able to set out and find our first destina- tion. The scavenger hunt had us go to places all over the resort. SEE CONFERENCE PAGE 4

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