The North Carolina Mason

May/June 2012

North Carolina Mason

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Volume 137 Number 3 The Mason NORTH CAROLINA Official Publication of The Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina Oxford, North Carolina May/June 2012 Unanimity visits its historic home Degree Team. Talk down east started immediately about getting the team to visit one of the state's co- lonial centers. Before long, imaginations soared. How about hold- ing it at the courthouse? How about breaking out the replica Washington chair? In 1771, the Grand Lodge of England named District Colonial North Carolina patriot Joseph Montfort "provincial grand master of and for America." Between then and Grand Lodge scholarships awarded the early bastions of Freemasonry in North Carolina. Unanimity 7 has held chartered meetings since 1775. They still meet on the shore of that port town. At last year's Annual Communication, members of Lodge 7 first heard about the 21st EDENTON — The port of Edenton was one of By Ric Carter his death in the spring of 1776, Montfort chartered less than ten lodges. One of them was Unanimity Lodge in Edenton. They held their first meeting November 8, 1775 at Kings Arms Tavern also known as Horniblow's. They met there for three years before moving to the Chow- an County Courthouse. They met in the courthouse until the early 1950s. The night they held their first meeting in the court- house, ship's captain George Russell gave them a master's chair said to have been entrusted to him by a Virginia lodge for safekeeping during the Revolution. For the next 200 years, Unanimity Lodge used what see EDENTON, page 4 Gather artifacts for GL restoration's time capsules this year. The $1,000 scholarships go to North Carolina high school seniors who are college bound. This year's recipients are Toniqua L. Taylor, Garner Magnet RALEIGH — The Grand Lodge awarded eight scholarships High School, Garner; Kathleen Marie Reed, North Duplin High School, Mount Olive; Erin T. Brackett, Camden County High School, Camden; Dakota L. Sneed, Hiwassee Dam High, Hiwassee; Jacob E. Reavis, Davie High, Mocksville; Morgan Keri Grooms, Clyde A. Erwin High, Asheville; Chad D. Smith, West Lincoln High, Lincolnton; and Benjamin T. Wilde, North Buncombe High, Weaverville. If you know a graduating senior who could use some col- lege help, applications for the scholarship are posted on the Grand Lodge website early each year. They are usually due in mid-March. THE BOTTOM LINE Take responsibility seriously By Robert E. Gresham Jr. Grand Master more than fulfilling. I could have never expected the warmth, courtesies, and brotherly love that have been extended to me as I have traveled across this great state of ours. From some of the smallest to some of the largest lodges, the receptions which I have received have been great. Food continues to be wonderful. Through 25 meetings, slaw still leads with 14 servings. Masonic green beans run a close second with 12 servings. Barbecue leads the meats with seven servings and fried chicken close behind with six servings. The varied assortment of foods has been very enjoyable and ap- preciated. As I said last time, keeping the list has been for fun and I have enjoyed the comments that I have received from you. In a few short days, my year will be half over. How time flies. I tom Line," I will have finished my 26 an- nounced district meetings. The last one was at my home lodge, Albemarle Lodge 703 on May 30. The experience has been As you read this edition of "The Bot- has been priced at ten dollars per copy. I recommend it to you, especially those who perform Masonic funerals. You will find it to be a valuable resource for offering suggestions on ways to handle different situations surrounding funerals. I continue to emphasize the importance of Lodge finance re- cords being audited by the Lodge Finance and Budget Commit- tee. Reg. 61-3.1 of The Code states as follows: It shall be the duty of the Committee on Finance and Budget to examine the books, vouchers, and records of the trustees, Treasurer, and the Secretary and make a de- tailed report in writing at the first stated communication in February each year. The committee shall audit all bills, accounts, and claims that may be referred to it and report upon the same in writing to the lodge. This is a most serious duty and must be performed each year. have thoroughly enjoyed my time as your grand master. The com- ments and warm regards which you have extended to me will al- ways be remembered. I have been welcomed all over this state. One can't express the appreciation that I have to you for the way that I have been received and welcomed. The Funeral Manual has been received from the printer. A copy will be mailed to each lodge in the near future. See a related article in this edition of The North Carolina Mason. The manual Some say that "you don't trust the Treasurer or Secretary." This is not the case at all. Good business says that you should verify the books and records of the lodge. Trust is not the issue. We are handling someone else's money, and we have a fiduciary duty to make sure that it is properly accounted for. It should be consid- ered necessary so that there is no doubt or question on anyone's part that everything is correct. If I were the treasurer or secretary, a condition of my keeping the job would be that there was to be a thorough review of my records annually. As I write this, the Grand Lodge has a subordinate lodge that appears to be missing a very large sum of money. I have insisted that an extremely thorough review be performed. It is currently under way at this writing. The initial indication is that this short- age of funds has occurred over the last 11 years. Just think if the annual audit had been performed as required by The Code, this apparent shortage would at least be much smaller. Please, don't serve on a Finance and Budget Committee and sign the form that everything was verified as required and not have performed the verification. The results could be very disastrous to the offending brother(s). If the committee can't get the needed records or infor- mation, they should go to the master, if he has trouble he should go the district deputy grand master, if the DDGM has trouble he should contact the grand master. I assure you that this grand master will get the information needed. I can't over emphasize the importance of this Code provision. I hope that you are planning to attend the MHCO Home- coming/Festival on October 12–14. Plans are coming together for a great and enjoyable weekend. The entertainment, food, and activities announced will provide fun and entertainment for all. Remember that on November 3, the Grand Lodge will be celebrating its 225th On November 3, 2012, the Grand Lodge of North Caro- lina will celebrate its 225th By Ric Carter placement of artifacts of our lodges. Lodges are urged to par- ticipate. Collect books or pins or coins or remembrances that have marked occasions in your lodge. Additionally, the 225th Committee wishes to collect photos as well as histories of your blue lodge. The capsules will be opened in 25 years at the cel- ebration of our 250th by September to assure they get a place in the program. New attention is being paid to the museum and library area . Items should be collected and delivered downstairs in the building. Old papers and books are being organized and cataloged. Each lodge is getting its own spot for history and notes and special recognitions and mentions. cerning the schedule of the ceremonies which will include the grand opening of the restoration of the Grand Lodge headquarters building in Raleigh. There will be lunch and music and historical presentations. The newly restored deck will include six time capsules for anniversary. Watch for details con- We would like for you to send us a history of your lodge to be placed in those records. Please include photos of the interior and exterior of your building. Make notes and photographs of any special possessions such as furniture, antiquities, or art. Have a special painting or fancy woodwork in your lodge? Share it through photos and explanations. These materials will find their way into the archives and annals of the Grand Lodge to be shared with future generations. Some will be placed in the time capsules. Has your lodge digitized any old minutes of the lodge? Do you have digitized photos of your past masters? Other elec- tronic bits of history? Download your website to a CD. We'd love to have digital copies here in the library. It will allow re- searchers now and in the future recover Masonic history that might otherwise be lost in the mists of time. Not sure if what you choose will work? Just give the Grand Lodge office a call at (919) 787-2021 or send them an email . They'll be happy to help you decide. Raleigh. Lunch will be served by reservation only. Tours of the recently renovated building will be available. Please plan to be with us for this celebration. In closing, let me share with you the following Irish friendship wish: May there always be work for your hands to do; May your purse always hold a coin or two; May the sun always shine on your window pane; May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain; May the hand of a friend always be near you; May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you. anniversary at the Grand Lodge office in Ric Car ter photos

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