Desert Messenger

May 18, 2016

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Page 23 of 23

Ed Options Quartzsite High School - Class of 2016 Salome High School - Class of 201 6 Congratulations to our Graduating Seniors from the Messenger Justine Felix This space donated by Desert Messenger - Brandon Dias-Quintero Gina "Bobby Sue" Moreira Tinoco Melissa Hunter Bradly Sorensen Adrien Montes Cassandra Calderon Esmeralda Cruz Hayward Allison Hector Gonzalez Isaac Mondragon Jacquelin Harold Jared Wolfe Joel Freedman KaLynne Strobel Katelyn Gatter Kelten Silvia Luis Espinoza Mirna Holguin Pedro Miguel Rosa Frias Sammantha Lizarraga Stephanie Claytor Theodore Manuel

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