Desert Messenger

May 18, 2016

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3 Lost Person Found 4 Rock Fiesta Producer's Letter 5 Radio Science 5 Town Manager resigns 6 Editorial 8 Quilt Project 10 Operation Hero Comfort 9 National Park Week 12 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 16 Salome High Updates 17 Restaurants 18 Puzzles 19 Arrest Report 20 Churches 22 Classifeds • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, May 18, 2016 VOL. 12 # 237 Now in our 12 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! WHAT'S INSIDE QPD joins Arizona Special Olympics Torch Run The Arizona Law Enforcement Torch Run came through Quartzsite on Wednesday, May 4th. The mission of the Arizona Law Enforcement Torch Run is to raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics Arizona statewide. This year's Arizona Torch Run began in seven locations across the state April 30th through May 6th, 2016. These seven flames were carried throughout Arizona, culminat- ing with the lighting of the torch at the Special Olympics Summer Games. Last year, there were over 4,500 law enforcement personnel and 150 agencies including the bordering country of Mexico's Police Department who participanted in the 7 legs of the Arizona Law Enforcement Torch Run week. There were individuals who ran, walked, cycled and even kayaked their portion of the run. Many Special Olympics athletes joined law enforcement in their part of the run along with various schools and businesses through- out the state who cheered on their local law enforcement sup- porting their community. Runners included the La Paz County Attorney Tony Rogers, Quartzsite Police Department Lt Mike Ewald, Sgt. Candi Conley, Officer Everett Babcock, escorted by Officer Keynan Weltha and Police Assistant Christy Conley. Donations are still being accept- ed at the Police department, For more information please contact Officer H. Tanakeyowma at the Quartzsite Police Department ����� | C������� �� QPD

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