Desert Messenger

May 30, 2012

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Page 8 Around Town May 31st Preschool graduation Scholars' Academy Little Scholars Preschool graduation will be held on Thursday, May 31st at 6:00pm at the First Assembly of God Church on Tyson St., Quartzsite. June 6th 8am Coffee With Cops Quartzsite Police Department in- vites you to Town Hall for "Coffee with Cops" on the fi rst Wednes- day of each month from 8am-9am. ...and donuts, too! Join Quartz- site Police Chief Jeff Gilbert and Quartzsite Police offi cers on the fi rst Wednesday of each month! Got Water? Need Plumbing? Call: Dennis Dole GD Plumbing & Supply 928-580-1741 Licensed • Bonded• Insured K 37 ROC 2114 Here's your chance to bring your questions and concerns to the Quartzsite Police Department. For more information call the station at 928-927-4644. June 7th 8th grade graduation Scholars' Academy 8th grade grad- uation will be Thursday, June 7th @ 6:30 at the Quartzsite Alliance Church on Vista, Quartzsite. June 13th Dessert Night Fundraiser for Operation Hero Comfort Dessert social will be held Wed. June 13th from 6-8pm at Main St. Eatery. June 16 Flag Retirement Operation Hero Comfort will pres- ent the annual Flag Retirement Ceremony on Sat. June 16th at Town Park. June 20th Town Hall meeting The next Town Hall meeting is planned for Wednesday, June 20th, 2pm, at Main St. Eatery. July 4th Fun at Town Park Watch for details in June 13th is- sue of Desert Messenger. August 17 Church picnic The Annual Church Community Picnic will be held on Friday, Au- gust 17th at 11 am at the Senior Center. Open to all. Quartzsite Learning Center 695 N. Kofa Ave. Quartzsite, AZ 85346 (928) 927-8299 Begin working on your general education requirements or complete an entire degree from the Quartzsite campus: - Business - Education - General Studies - Criminal Justice Register now for summer or fall courses! BUYS & SELLS GOLD Nature's Nuggets We pay 80% of Spot & Up Gold Sand Concentrates Placer Gold 24 Mesh Size up to Nuggets In Quartzsite over 15 Years! Quartzsite Licensed Business 928-927-5479 Call Richard JOSEPH BRUNO • BACK FLOW SPECIALIST 115 N. Emelia, PO Box 581, Quartzsite ABPA Certified No. 29-00027 928-916-4965 775-790-3260 ELECTIONS FROM PAGE 1 alleged irregularities was completed. She said the town had also requested lists of eligible voters. Among the al- leged irregularities were poll workers disenfranchising voters, out-of-state drivers' licenses being permitted as proof of identifi cation, reports of third parties fi lling out ballots and turning them in as "late early" ballots, and large numbers of persons being al- lowed to vote with out-of-state mailing addresses or having a physical address while camping in BLM's Long Term Visitors Area. The council adjourned to executive session to discuss and interview for the appointment of the vacant seat. Af- ter returning, council voted in Norma Crooks to fi ll the vacant the seat vacat- ed when Jerry Lukkasson resigned to run for mayor. She was sworn in later that afternoon. Lizarraga told Parker Pioneer that since the new members would be working with that person, the vote should have been delayed so they could have some input as to who that person would be. Council proceeded to approve the placement of AZ Centennial's Lasting Legacy Project. Council then went back into executive session to discuss the contract of Town Manager, Alex Taft. When they returned, the council voted to approve Taft's contract as amended. The meeting took almost 3 hours. of the Desert Messenger Email: DEADLINE is WED. June 6 for June 13th issue Phone: 541-218-2560 May 30, 2012 The only members showing up for the council meeting on Wed. May 23rd were Mayor Lizarraga and Council member Patricia Anderson. With no quorum, the only item on the agenda – to canvass the May 15th votes- could not be discussed. Town Council released the agenda for a special meeting on June 4 at 9am to approve the canvass of the election and to judge the qualifi cations of Fos- ter, Orgeron and Workman. The Quartzsite Town Council will con- duct a special meeting at 9 a.m., June 4, to approve the canvass of the elec- tion. There are agenda items to judge the qualifi cations of Foster, Orgeron and Workman. Evidently, several Open Meeting Law violations complaints have been submitted to the Arizona Attorney General's special Open Meeting Law Enforcement Team division ("OM- LET"). One complaint alleges that the Quartzsite Town Council held an unscheduled meeting without pub- lic notice,(after Lizarraga adjourned the meeting). Other complaints allege Lizarraga violated Open Meeting Laws when he failed to follow the standard order of business. Letters from both sides of the political fence have surfaced on Internet pages. Foster supporters submitted letters to La Paz County Attorney Sam Veder- man and La Paz County Sheriff Don Lowery concerned with the alleged assault against Lizarraga. A group of Concerned Citizens submitted a let- ter to Governor Jan Brewer, US At- torney's Offi ce, FBI, Attorney General Tom Horne, and DPS concerned about Lizarraga's alleged Civil Rights Vio- lations, Abuse of Power and Assault against Brannan. Both letters and comments in online blogs and Facebook pages are full of accusations and allegations blaming each other. Local Resident! Serving Quartzsite area!

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