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May 30, 2012 concerned". Write this daily then watch your life change in exciting ways. by Barbara Lee Aries: March 21 to April 19- "I AM". If you are at all thinking about going back to school now is a really good time for your mind to absorb infor- mation. Your mind is receptive to as much information as you can supply it. Communication is going to be another issue, your lesson here will be about assimilation. You can bring a horse to water but you can't force him to drink. In your enthusiasm to help a relative or coworker allow them to make them up their own mind. Taurus: April 20 to May 20- "I Have" The Universe may demand that you stop in your tracks to reevaluate the di- rection that you are going and to make sure you are serious about what you want to do. If you are being forced to redo and document your work just re- lax and be patient and go with the fl ow, the reason for this inconvenience will be revealed later. Remember to make lists and keep track of your receipts. Gemini: May 21 to June 20- "I Think" With transiting Venus in Gemini you may have a tendency to feel much more like arguing, you are a social butterfl y at heart but right now its their turn to call you. This month your friends will be experiencing issues that you are able to be of service. The affect you have on your peers is one of being able to motivate them towards success. Perspective and an open mind will be your assets. Cancer: June 21 to July 22- "I Feel" You are entering a very creative time in your life. You have a clean slate now, so what do you think you want to do with this new energy? The trick is to allow the energy to transform you instead of trying to control it. Embrace your life for it will only continue to get better as you learn to let go of the past and what you can not change. Your role in life is to feel, so take time to nurture yourself by inward journeys to your soul. June 17, and 18 are appropriate days to help you open your heart. Perceptions Astrological © 2012 Barbara Lee Leo: July 23 to August 22- "I Will". This month you may feel the aching need to spend more time by yourself than you usually require. Your outer life has gotten so busy and demand- ing that you have a hard time fulfi lling your own inner needs. This is a lesson in patience, learn to be a mediator be- tween your emotional self and your personality, what you show others. Its time that you merge the different as- pects of yourself towards inner clarity with a deeper sense of service. Virgo:August 23 to Sept. 22- "I Analyze" You are in the limelight; for what ever reason you have reached a climax in your personal advancement towards success and fulfi llment. You are at a crossroads and you feel as if everyone is watching you, the choices you make from here on out are important ones for your spiritual growth as well as your relationships. June 1, 2, and 3, you are due for some answers. Be spe- cifi c about what you want and don't settle for less. Libra: Sept. 23 to Oct. 22/23- "I Balance" Issues with your fi nances are a con- cern of yours. It may be time for you to investigate fi nancial planning as well as how to invest your savings. You are in a positive growth period where what you need comes easily to you. For the rest of 2012, at least will be a fortunate period of growth where by ask and you shall receive. If you need fi nancial as- sistance or grants or loans, positive help will come to you. Be in gratitude, for all your needs will be met. Scorpio: Oct. 23 to Nov. 21/22- "I Transform" You have such strong desires surging within you. Full moon on June 4th will have that get up and go feeling well into early fall. You work so hard for everything, wouldn't it be nice to have things come to you easier. Here is an affi rmation that can clear the blocks out of your way. "All that is for may highest and greatest good now comes to me in perfect and harmonious ways for the highest and greatest good of all Sagittarius: Nov. 22 to Dec. 21- "I Perceive" During this particular month your fo- cus is on your most intimate personal arena and the people closest to you. Your nesting extinct is very strong. There is an urgency to establish a home base if you haven't already and if you do have one then its time to get your environment more organized. The peace of mind that you experi- ence from putting all your ducks in a row will allow you to go deeper into yourself for healing some old stuff that wants to be worked through. Capricorn: Dec. 22 to Jan. 19- "I Use" The proverbial question this month seems to be what are you willing to give up to get where you want to go. You may think you can do it all and you will try because you are such a hard worker. Being that the road to success is very important to you that is why setting goals and establishing pri- orities is so important. Your greatest gift in your work is being able to call upon your creativity to be utilized in your work situation. Page 21 Aquarius: Jan. 20 to Feb. 19- "I Know" Some unexpected events may come out of the wood work this month con- nected with your career. Someone up- stairs is watching you and just when you begin to doubt yourself something happens to show you to keep the faith in your self and what you are doing. You will be amazed at how intuitive you are becoming by the response of others to your services. Keep tuning in and your timing will be perfect. Pisces:Feb. 19 to March 22- "I Believe" Your focus will be on the day to day growth of your most intimate rela- tionships. If you don't have one you will be earnest in preparing for your signifi cant other. This may be a good time to be specifi c about what you are actually looking for in a mate. Do a writing exercise that involves listing your desired attributes that you want in your relationships then release it for the highest and greatest good of all concerned, then allow the universe to bring them to you. John got in the game with a wide range of sports, movies and more & saved up to $750! Nicole went back to basics and saved $312! Barbara Lee Copyright 2012 Wildwood Botanicals (208) 773-7822 Packages start at just Everyday Price $24.99/mo er y P ice $24.99/mo 30 MOVIE CHANNELS INCLUDED FOR 3 MONTHS with qualifying packages. Offer based on the discounted $5 price for the Blockbuster @Home. One disc at a time, $10/mo. value. For 3 months. INSTALLATION N UP TO 6 ROOMS INSTALLATION IIN UP O 6 ROOMS SAME D SAME DAY Where available. INSTALLED TODAY! CALL TODAY - 1-866-754-0974 Call 7 days a week 8am - 11pm EST Promo Code: MB0512 Blockbuster @Home (1 disc at a time): Only available with new qualifying DISH service activated between 5/21/12 and 7/31/12. 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With qualifying packages, Online Bonus credit requires AutoPay with Paperless Billing, email opt-in for DISH E-Newsletter, and online redemption no later than 45 days from service activation. After applicable promotional period, then-current price will apply. $10/mo HD add-on fee waived for life of current account; requires 24-month agreement, continuous enrollment in AutoPay with Paperless Billing. 3-month premium movie offer value is up to $132; after 3 months then-current price applies unless you downgrade. Free Standard Professional Installation only. All equipment is leased and must be returned to DISH upon cancellation or unreturned equipment fees apply. Up front fee, monthly fees, and limits on number and type of receivers will apply. You must initially enable PrimeTime Anytime feature; requires local channels broadcast in HD (not available in all markets). Number of recording hours will vary. 2000 hours based on SD programming. HD hard drive space comparison based on equipment currently available. HD programming requires HD television. Prices, packages, programming and offers subject to change without notice. Offer available for new and qualified former customers, and subject to terms of applicable Promotional and Residential Customer agreements. Additional restrictions may apply. Offer ends 7/31/12. HBO®, Cinemax® and related channels and service marks are the property of Home Box Office, Inc. SHOWTIME is a registered trademark of Showtime Networks Inc., a CBS Company. STARZ and related channels and service marks are property of Starz Entertainment, LLC. All new customers are subject to a one-time, non-refundable processing fee. Join Nicole and John and start saving now on TV! oin Nicole and John and start saving now on TV!