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May 30, 2012 and smoking restrictions will be en- forced on all public lands within the BLM Kingman Field Offi ce boundar- ies. These restrictions are similar to those already implemented in other areas of the district and state. The BLM is asking the public to use extreme caution when visiting public lands this summer. Currently there are no plans to close any areas to pub- lic use. (1) Open campfi res, charcoal grills, and stove fi res. Campfi res and char- coal grills are permitted only in devel- oped recreation sites or improved sites where agency-built fi re rings or grills are provided. The use of petroleum- fueled stoves, lanterns, or heating devices are allowed provided such de- vices meet the fi re underwriter's speci- fi cations for safety. Developed sites in the Kingman Field Offi ce include BLM Fire Restrictions prohibit the following acts: Kingman, Ariz - To prevent unwanted human-caused wildfi res, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Colo- rado River District has announced fi re restrictions on public lands south and east of the Colorado River in Mo- have, La Paz and Yavapai Counties, Arizona. Effective Friday, May 25, 2012, fi re Fire restrictions on public lands Burro Creek Campground, Wild Cow Campground, Windy Point Camp- ground and Packsaddle Campground. (2) Smoking will only be allowed in- side buildings, motor vehicles, camp trailers or while stopped in an area at least six feet in diameter that is cleared of all fl ammable material. (3) Use of fi reworks, fl ares, or other in- cendiary devices. (4) Welding or the use of any torch or metal cutting implement. sary due to increasing fi re danger from hot and dry weather conditions. The restrictions will continue until condi- tions warrant rescinding. Violation of these restrictions is punishable by a fi ne of not more than $1,000 and/ or imprisonment of not more than 12 months. Current fi re restriction information can also be found online at renews or call toll free 1-877-864-6985. To report a wildfi re or illegal fi re use, please call the King- man Field Offi ce at (928) 718-3700 or Arizona Interagency Dispatch Center at (800) 309-7081. The restrictions are neces- Blythe Police Activities League (PAL) co-director Pam Bush announced the summer swim program schedule for 2012. OPEN SWIM INFORMATION: Pool Opens: June 11, 2012 Pool Closes: July 26, 2012 Open Swim is Monday – Thursday from 7:00pmto 9:00pm Lap Swim Begins June 11, 2012 and is Monday – Thursday from 6:00-7:00 pm Water Aerobics begins June 18, 2012 Monday – Thursday from 6:00 - 7:00 pm SWIM LESSON INFORMATION: Swim Lesson Sign-ups begin Monday June, 11, 2012 from 6:00- 9:00pm Swim Lesson Session 1 – June 18 to June 29, 2012 Swim Lesson Session 2 – July 2 to July 12, 2012 Swim Lesson Session 3 – July 16 to July 26, 2012 Page 3 Summer Swim Program in Blythe Swim Lesson Times for Classes are: 3:30 to 4:00pm 4:15 to 4:45pm from 6:15 to 6:45pm is a Parent & Child Class only FEES: Daily Swimming: Adults - $3 per day. Youth - $2 per day Swim Lessons: $35 per session The pool is located at Palo Verde Valley High School in Blythe off of Lovekin Blvd. For more information contact Pam at 760-922-6111 ext. 227 HANDYMAN Residential and RV Experienced Plumbing & Electrical Service & Repair. Minor Carpentry & Yard Work. All Work Guaranteed - FREE Estimates! • Qtz. Business Licensed Call Bud 928-583-3905 DESERT MESSENGER SUMMER SCHEDULE Special Summer Edi� ons: DATE Wed. June 13 Wed. July 18 Wed. Aug. 15 DEADLINE -June 6 -July 11 -Aug. 8 E-mail Rain at: Desert Messenger • 541-218-2560 Pocket Watches (keeping time or not) PUBLIC NOTICE Jim Buys All Non-Quartz This week Jim wants to spend $10,000.00 PAYING $22 PER GRAM FOR 14K GOLD* Jim Buys GOLD in Quartzsite! We pay top dollar for: Scrap Gold, Gold Coins, Dental Gold, All gold Marked 10K, 14K, 18K, Foreign coins, Silver coins, Old U. S. Coins, Proof Sets. All Type Coins, Old U.S. and Foreign Paper Money, Famous Autographs. Jim Buys! Right here in Quartzsite! Conveniently Located Directly across from * Prices subject to change due to market fluctuation McDonald's in Quartzsite! OPEN YEAR ROUND! 1240 W. MAIN ST. • QUARTZSITE, ARIZONA OPEN 7 days a week!