Desert Messenger

May 30, 2012

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May 30, 2012 Perspectives Quirky Quartzsite's Contributed by Violet Kiss Boy, are we in turbulent times, still. This side does this, that side does that. I believe many Townspeople are really getting tired of this all. When Mayor Jose Lizarraga adjourned the Town Council Meeting on May 22nd, he ob- viously did it out of frustration. Many people left. I attended and let many people know the meeting would con- tinue, it had to for proper form. The meeting continued a bit later, of course, and I am sure the Mayor knew it would. What do I hear from Jade (Jennifer) Jones as the second meeting ended? "I love this, this all makes my day." She couldn't wait to get back to her computer and by evening her and her friends' blogs had a picture of Mayor Lizarraga held up as a hero intimating that he adjourned the meeting for them. Does the negative faction in Town un- derstand that our Mayor adjourned it for his personal reasons, not theirs? The very next day, this was on an Op- positionist's Facebook page for all to see (these followers are mainly out-of- staters): Ladies and gentlemen - fellow Americans - we are preparing an an- nouncement of signifi cant importance that will allow all of you to, once again, put your personal touch on justice for the fi ne people of Quartzsite. We have an opportunity to make a difference for the better and for the restoration of the rule of law. Please stay tuned and tell your friends. We will back with all of you as soon as all preparations are completed. Once again, a heartfelt thanks for all of your help so far and for your continued concern and atten- tion. So be on the lookout. More in- fl ammatory garbage, more rumors, more slanted junk to 'fi re' up. Let's get to the heart of my "perspectives" today: Investigations. I am a per- petual student. When I am in a new situation and it interests me, I learn as much as possible and as time allows. If I get involved, it is because I have read enough, heard enough and started my research and investiga- tions. It is how I have always been. It's in my DNA, as they say (smile). So further, in talking about investiga- tions, why are certain people 'spooked' by it? An alleged voter fraud investi- gation has begun to see whether ille- gal activities occurred. Anyone on the right, left, or middle should be excited about this. You should be exhilarated by the thought, fi nally, let's get to the bottom of this and fi nd out the actual truth by independent sources. Yet, the Oppositionists whimper. Seriously, let's get to the bottom of it. If you believe it did not happen, then let the process conclude. I do hope that this will be thorough. Check into whether any listed registered voter has voted anywhere else in the prior 12 months. What was the last state of their registry, for how long were they registered, and whether there has been a re-registration lately for the up- coming primaries and/or Presidential Election. Are there (any) vehicles registered in other states? Are their licenses here in Arizona? Is this actually their primary residence for the majority of the year? Have any deceased names been used, or their addresses? Have any Citizens here been coerced into voting a certain way? Have you gotten affi davits? Why would anyone not be interested in all of these fi ndings, once and for all? DENTURES $350 Full Set • US Military trained w/ 30 plus years experience • Satisfaction Guaranteed! • Partials starting at $175 QUARTZSITE SNOWBIRD SPECIAL: Same Day Dentures and 1 Hour Reline/Repairs!! Dental Laboratory Service Call: 623-444-4013 • Goodyear, AZ 665 W. Tyson, Quartzsite, Arizona • 928-927-5808 Page 17 After a week like yours, you need a church like ours! Changing Hearts.... Changing Lives... Through Worshiping God and Serving Others • Sunday: Christian Education 9am Worship 10:30am Evening Worship 7pm • Monday: EVERYONE IS WELCOME! • Wednesday: Women's Bible Study - 10am Bible Study 7pm 12 Steps to Freedom 11am • Friday: Discipleship Class 9am /10:30 am Grow in your relationship with God Fire Station For free ride to Church call (928) 927-5808 Church

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