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Page 2 Watch Quartzsite Videos @ Read Desert MESSENGER ONLINE @ Healing the Split of the Desert Messenger Email: DEADLINE is WED. June 6 for June 13th issue Phone: 541-218-2560 Like us on Facebook at /DesertMessenger This is not the fi rst election to divide a community, let alone Quartzsite. It's obvious that many in Quartzsite feel frustrated with the current leadership through the large turnout at the polls. Now that the voters have spoken, how does Quartzsite move forward without damaging relationships? We cannot depend upon our leaders to provide us with all the answers. We, the every day residents of Quartz- site, are the ones who are responsible for our own actions and words. Each individual has the knowledge within themselves to be a part of the solution and support the healing process. It's reasonable to expect all council members and the mayor to acknowl- edge that every member of a commu- nity is an important participant in this thriving community. However, those who attended last summer's loud and sometimes out of control council meetings have every right to be concerned about the future meetings at Town Hall. Those who feel their constitutional rights have been violated also have Recycle... it all adds up! Recycle your empty inket cartridges and used cell phones! NO TONERS, PLEASE DROP OFF LOCATIONS: • Horizon Community Bank Follow on Twitter @DesertMessenger @QuartzsiteRain • Quartzsite Library • Senior Center • General Store • Business Chamber Sponsored by Proud Neighbors of Quartzsite Editorial by Shanana "Rain" Golden-Bear "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." ~Leo Tolstoy every right to their feelings. The ques- tion remains, what is a healthy way to express our concerns without causing more harm to the community and individuals during this transition? I have often supported an open meeting of opposing parties in a con- trolled, safe environment. One where only the person talking would have the fl oor. One were no one would yell or scream or interrupt a person speaking. One where people would hold their tongue until it is time for them to speak. This format, used for centuries and even brought into the boardrooms of corporate America, allows for respectful communication and for everyone's voice to be heard. It has been stated many times that local activists could not refrain from outbursts and interferrance. As for- ever an optimist, I would hope that responsible adults would not continue to act out as children when the focus is to better the community as a whole. I challenge this community to rebuild that broken fence of division driven by anger and frustration and hurtful actions. I challenge people of all faiths and beliefs to come together in a way that would make "your mama proud"! Some believe that peace is some- thing to fi ght for. Some believe peace is something to pray for. Some even believe that peace will happen all by itself, if given a chance. To heal a wounded community, every- one, and I mean everyone, must take DESERT May 30, 2012 into consideration all opinions. We don't have to like them, but we do need to honor that opposing opinions exists. It's like being sick; but not knowing what ails you. After fi nding out what the ailment is, then the healing and treatment can begin. Sometimes a doc- tor is needed to diagnose the treatment. In the case of relationships, things can get complicated as we all know. Sometimes, we just need to talk things through. Just because we don't like another's viewpoint, does not mean it has to stop the progress that has taken place... in our own lives or our community as a whole. We, the community of Quartzsite, will make it or break it. To place blame outside of ourselves, such as the town offi cials, state or federal government, or even me for that matter, is silly. Every individual is responsible for their own actions and words. Speech is one way of expressing ourselves, but another is through our actions. Every person who lives or visits Quartsite deserves to be treated with respect. I challenge local residents to begin practicing expressing that re- spect this summer both in and out of town meetings. For the winter visitors will return and bring with them their wisdom of experience, strength and hope to our community. Let's be ready for their return and welcome our friends as we would each other. Let's show the world a com- munity can be split politically, but we won't let it stop how we treat each other with respect. May all our elected offi cials be the shining examples of respect for our fellow human beings. May each per- son walking down the street acknowl- edge each other in peace. May the healing begin today! Peace begins with us. Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper Founded by Walt Akin, October 1, 2004 Contributing Writer, Joanne Winer PUBLISHED BY PILOT ROCK PUBLISHING CO. P.O. Box 3185, Quartzsite, AZ 85359 • E-mail: Published twice a month on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday, Sept. thru May with Special Summer Editions in June, July & August Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Desert Messenger. Shanana "Rain" Golden-Bear, Publisher 541-218-2560 Copyright © 2012 MESSENGER Name Plate Lettering by Paul Winer Contributing Photographer, Starr BearCat