Desert Messenger

May 30, 2012

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Vol. 8WED. MAY 30, 2012 Issue #153 "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" Fallen troops honored at Memorial Day Ceremony Quartzsite, AZ - VFW Post 769 hosted the annual Memorial Day Ceremony held Monday, May 28th at the Veterans' Area at Hi Jolly Cemetery. In addition to the large crowd, in attendance this year were Quartzsite Boy Scouts youngsters, and VFW Riders, a Motorcycle Association located in VFW Posts throughout Arizona. Election results may be fi nal but no newly elected offi cials seated Quartzsite, AZ- La Paz County re- leased the fi nal unoffi cial election re- sults at 4:20pm Monday, May 21. Of the 1514 registered voters, 719 turned in ballots. Ed Foster received the most votes with 401 (56.32%) over Jerry Lukkasson who received 305 votes (42.84%) There were 6 write-in votes cast (.84%). For the two council seats Mark Orgeron and Patricia Workman un- seated Joe Winslow and Barbara Cowell. Orgeron received 398 votes (29.03%). Workman received 387 votes (28.23%). Cowell received 305 votes (22.25%) while Winslow received 264 votes (19.26%) There were 17 write-in votes cast (1.24%). According to La Paz County Elec- ers proceeded to VFW Post for food and entertainment. The VFW Rid- ers are a family oriented group of motorcyclists within the VFW that enjoy the pastime of motorcycling, and encourage our members to support military and veterans in- cluding other veterans groups. See more photos on Page 18. After the ceremony, the VFW Rid- Elections final, but none seated tions Director Donna, the council could not have voted on the canvass on Tuesday, as the results had arrived too late to be on the council's agenda. Hale said public bodies have from six to 20 days after an election to approve the canvass and swear in new elected offi cials. Mayor Jose Lizarraga began Tues. Photo by Starr BearCat May 22nd meeting saying, "On Friday I asked Alex Taft to put a couple things on the agenda. These items were not put on the agenda. I feel that they are detrimental to some decisions that need to be made today." He called for a special meeting to canvass the votes Wed. May 21st and announced, "meet- ing adjourned" and walked out. Many audience members applauded and left the building. As Lizarraga left the chambers, Town Attorney Martin Brannan told him he'd be reporting this to the Attorney MAIN ST. EATERY Eggs Benedict Breakfast Sat. & Sun. NOW OPEN FOR DINNER Friday and Saturday 4-7pm FISH FRIDAYS! PRIME RIB SATURDAYS! General's Offi ce. A confrontation then ensued between Brannan and Lizarra- ga in the back hallway and La Paz Co. Sheriff was called by Lizarraga Vice Mayor Barbara Cowell recon- vened the meeting. Brannan explained the meeting was properly noticed, and the meeting could continue if a major- ity of the council members wanted it to continue. Council proceeded with items on the agenda including a presentation on the town's audit and a public library grant. Taft told the council the town staff had requested the ballots from the March and May town elections be sequestered until an investigation of SEE ELECTION PAGE 8 The Gathering Place of Quartzsite for Good Food, Fun and Friendship! WHAT'S INSIDE 2 Editorial 4 Letters to Editor 8 Around Town 13 Voices from the Past 16 Church Directory 17 Perspectives 19 Obituaries 20 Puzzle Page 21 Astrology 22 Paul Winer's Comic 23 Classifi eds LAUNDROMAT Full Service Laundry! MAIN ST. OPEN YEAR-ROUND! >>>> 205 E. Main Street, Quartzsite <<<< 928-927-4163 541-218-2560 SUMMER HOURS: DAILY 5AM- 2PM 6AM- 2PM Open Showers $6

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