Desert Messenger

April 20, 2016

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3 Jones loses appeal 4 AZ Peace Trail 6 Editorial 7 BLM seeks comments 9 National Park Week 15 Adventures w/Rocks 16 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 17 Restaurants 17 Green Living 18 Salome High 20 Churches 22 Classifeds 22 Paul Winer Cartoon • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, April 20, 2016 VOL. 12 # 235 Now in our 12 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! WHAT'S INSIDE Carter named La Paz County Teacher of the Year Parker, AZ - Christina Carter of Ehrenberg Elementary School was named the 2016 La Paz County Teacher of the Year at an awards banquet held April 8th at Salome High School. The an- nouncement was made by Anna Chaulk, representing the major event sponsor, Arizona Public Service Company. Thanks to APS, plus the support of Cenpatico In- tegrated Care, Barbara and Luis Corral, LKH Farming, Growers Oil, McMullen Water Conserva- tion and Drainage District, Bea- ver Insurance, Udall Shumway LLC, and many other community members who attended the din- ner, the event celebrated its tenth year honoring teachers. Mrs. Carter teaches Eighth Grade, sponsors the Eighth Grade Class, is the Spelling Bee Coordinator, and coaches softball. Outside of school she leads a lo- cal 4-H Club "Show Stoppers", is working on her Master's Degree, and is a busy wife and mom of two Ehrenberg School students. Ac- cording to Ehrenberg Elementary School District Superintendent, Raquel Burton, "Christina is an over-comer, a problem-solver, an innovator, and a dynamic mem- ber of our district. Her enthusi- asm, love, and passion for teach- ing (and for her students) have hardly a rival on our staff. . . and we have an incredible faculty." The Teacher of the Year selec- tion process starts at each school where a winner is chosen. That teacher completes a written ap- plication and is interviewed by a panel of education, business, and community people who name the PHOTO LEFT (L-R): Anna Chaulk, Ari- zona Public Service; La Paz County Teacher of the Year Christina Carter, Ehrenberg School; Jacque Price, La Paz County School Superintendent PHOTO ABOVE (L-R): School Nominees: Bryan McCarty, Wenden Elementary; Dru Waggoner, Salome Elementary; Judy Haken, Salome High School; Heath- er D'Angiolini, Quartzsite Elementary; 2016 La Paz County Teacher of the Year Christina Carter, Ehrenberg Elementary ������ | S������ �� D����� M�������� PHOTO ABOVE PHOTO ABOVE (L-R): School Nominees: ������ | S������ �� D����� M�������� county winner. Besides Carter, the other honorees included: Dru Waggoner, Salome Elemen- tary School; Heather D'Angiolini, Quartzsite School; Judy Haken, Salome High School; and Bryan McCarty, Wenden School. According to Jacque Price, La Paz County School Superintendent, "This event is a wonderful com- munity gathering to showcase our teachers. Too often teachers are under tremendous stress, due to the current educational environ- ment. This program celebrates the successes and hard work that teachers put into their teaching each day. Another highlight of the evening is the delicious food pre- pared and served by the Salome High Culinary Arts students. Un- der the direction of their instruc- tor, Ms. Dihel, they always pro- vide great decorations and service to compliment the meal."

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