Desert Messenger

March 16, 2016

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6 Editorial 7 Letters to Editor 10 Rotary 11 Adventures w/Rocks 12 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 14 Blood Drive 21 Restaurants 22 Music JAMS 24 Golf 26 Churches 28 Puzzles 29 In Memoriam 30 Classifeds 30 Paul Winer Cartoon • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, March 16, 2016 VOL. 12 # 233 Now in our 12 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! SEE ROCK FIESTA PAGE 24 Rock Fiesta Latino music festival comes to town WHAT'S INSIDE Quartzsite, AZ - The explosive 3 day camping and 2 day non-stop Latino/Bilingual/Rock music festival "Rock Fiesta", is rapidly approaching & you don't want to miss out on the fun experience. The crème de la crème of inter- nationally renowned recording artists are ready to descend on Quartzsite Friday & Saturday March 18 & 19 from 12 noon to 12 midnight. Early entry at Desert Gardens Showgrounds is available on Thurs- day March 17, 2016; gates will open at 8:00 a.m. to obtain best camping spots and enjoy the sounds of our DJs & the best cocktails. Appearing Live on stage is: EL TRI, CAIFANES, CAFÉTACVBA, MALDITA VECINDAD Y LOS HIJOS DEL QUINTO PATIO, MOLOTOV, KINKY, PANTEÓN ROCOCÓ, OZOMATLI, LOS AMI- GOS INVISIBLES, DIVISIÓN MINÚSCULA, NORTEC COL- LECTIVE PRESENTS: BOSTICH + FUSSIBLE, SILVERIO, FINDE, SIDDHARTHA, MEXICAN DUBWISER, S7N, PALENKE SOULTRIBE and METALACHI. 1,100 miles of BLM trails established Set at the foot of mystical "Q Mountain" is the 118 acre Desert Gardens Showgrounds which, in addition to hosting a weekend of great music, will welcome concert goers with on-site camping, a VIP lounge, beer garden, late night dance tents, cantina, water slide, food vendors, shade tents and top notch first aid stations. When asked how many tickets have been sold, promoter Hal Davidson said, "We cannot re- lease figures. Online people live to change reality, so we are keep- ing it simple saying that over the entire 3 days Mar 17-19, we expect over 20,000 people, which would be profitable for us and of course the town." Rock Fiesta will use layered festival security from Phoenix. Rock Fiesta is working closely with Quartzsite Police, La Paz County Sheriff, AZ State Police to have a substation next to the site, along with ADOT and BLM (to use additional lands for over- flow parking). Quartzsite, AZ - Nearly 1,100 miles of roads and trails were estab- lished in and around Quartzsite by the Bureau of Land Manage- ment's (BLM) Yuma Field Office Wednesday, March 9th when the agency released an environmental assessment for its La Posa Travel Management Plan (TPT). The plan, which is the culmination of eight years of public, stakehold- er and agency input, was designed to meet current and future needs for access to public lands, resolve conflicts between public land us- ers and sustain the resources and SEE TRAILS PAGE 24

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