Desert Messenger

March 02, 2016

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5 Letters to Editor 6 Editorial 11 Adventures w/Rocks 12 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 13 Salome High 15 Restaurants 16 Around Town 21 Golf 30 Music JAMS 32 In Memoriam 34 Churches 36 Puzzles 37 Classifeds 38 Paul Winer Cartoon WE NOW ACCEPT • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, March 2, 2016 VOL. 12 # 232 Now in our 12 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! SEE FAIR PAGE 28 ����� | J������ F������� G������ 4-H youth ready for County Fair March 10-13 WHAT'S INSIDE Quartzsite's Denim & Dust 4-H Club members are ready to show off their showmanship at the La Paz County Fair March 10-13. The theme this year is "See what the buzz is about at the La Paz Coun- ty Fair!" La Paz County Fair is celebrating all of the youth in the commu- nity who work hard all year to show off their tal- ents through the La Paz Youth Livestock Show & Auction, 4-H indoor ex- hibits, the schools in La Paz Coun- ty, the Miss La Paz County Schol- arship Program and Pageant, and the Mish Mash Studios produc- tions. So come grab a corndog or some cotton candy and enjoy the show! Make sure to visit all the lo- cal organizations, schools and de- partments in the exhibit hall that work hard to provide information, artwork, and much more! Location: La Paz County Fair- grounds along HWY 95, north of Parker, Arizona. The La Paz Youth Livestock Show & Auction will be held Thursday and Friday all day. Round Robin will take place on Saturday morn- ing. The livestock auc- tion we start at 1:00 p.m. Saturday. There is no charge for parking, On Friday and Saturday from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. the Western Railroad Express will be shut- tling people from their vehicles to the main entrance if needed. Fees/Admission: Adults - $8. Se- nior Citizens (65 +) - $6. Children from 6 to 12 - $6. Chil- dren 5 and under - Free. Season Pass: Senior Citizens (65 +) & Children from 6 to 12 years - $17. Season Pass: Adult - $25. A FREE Health Fair planned at the QIA Friday, March 4th from 7:30am - noon. A FREE Health Fair is being planned as part of The GRAND Gather- ing. The Health Fair is sponsored by the La Paz Regional Hospital District and La Paz County Health Dept. on Friday, March4 at 7:30 a.m. to 12 noon. A wide-range of health screening and free informa- tion will be available. Participating this year is La Paz Regional Hospital & Clinics, Cen- patico Integrated Care, Native Air, Dignity, One Touch Med Alert, Arizona Western College, Skin-to-go, Dr. Atassi, River Medical, Parker Podiatry, La Paz County Health Dept., Peterson's Homecare, PACCE, River Valley Homecare, more. La Paz Regional will be offering the following tests for FREE! CHOLESTEROL - A high reading may mean an increased risk of heart disease. BLOOD SUGAR - A diabetes screening test. BLOOD PRESSURE - High blood pressure is dangerous because it makes the heart work too hard and can lead to strok or heart disease. BONE DENSITY- A simple test to check the density of your bones and assess your risk for osteopo- rosis. O2 SATS - This test measures the concentration of oxygen in the blood. Continued low oxygen levels can lead to respiratory or cardiac arrest. Also available is the PSA FOR $30. No doctor's orders required. Get there early! ����� | J������ F������� G������

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