Desert Messenger

January 20, 2016

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6 Editorial 7 Letters to Editor 8 Rotary 10 Restaurants 12 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 15 Adventures w/Rocks 21 Salome High School 24 Around Town 34 Golf 32 Arrest Report 34 Music JAMS 48 In Memoriam 50 Churches 52 Arrest Report 53 Classifeds 54 Paul Winer Cartoon WHAT'S INSIDE • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, January 20, 2016 VOL. 12 # 229 Now in our 12 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! Welcome Visitors! ����� | C������� S����� M�����, Q��������� T��� M������ On January 6, LaPaz County installed the first sign post for the Ar- izona Peace Trail at the end of the pavement on Rayder Road in Bouse, AZ. Approximately 100 people from Bouse, Lake Havasu City, Parker, Prescott, Salome, Quartzite and Yuma were present to witness this event which was a major milestone in furthering the monumental Arizona Peace Trail project. La Paz County Supervi- sor Holly Irwin said, "A special thank you to LaPaz County officials, Congressman Gosar's office, Arizona Game and Fish, BLM, Bouse Ghost Riders, AZ Sunriders, Arizona Desert Riders, and Arizona Peace Trail, Inc.; this could not have happened without all of you. " 1st Peace Trail sign installed Radio Youth Science Day Jan. 13, 2016, 250 local stu- dents, teachers & parents got first hand experience with Ham Radios and satel- lite communications. (article next edition) January in Quartzsite is like no other place on earth! Deals and delights are everywhere around town with vendors displaying their treasures! All shows have free admission and free parking available. You can shop for Gems, Rocks, Minerals, Arts, Crafts, Hobbies, Jewelry, Silver and Goldsmithing, Faceting, Precious Metals, Antiques, Coins, Lapidary Tools, Lapidary Equipment and Supplies, and Delicious foods to amaze you! The "Largest Gathering of RVs and RVers" is happening right now! 50th Annual QIA Rock & Gem Show (1/20- 1/24), 33rd Annual Sports, Vacation and RV Show (or as we fondly call it "The Big Tent"), Tyson Wells Centre & Showgrounds, Desert Gardens, Rice Ranch, Quartzsite Marketplace, Main Street Traders, Pros- pectors Panorama, Quartzsite Showgrounds, Hi Ally, Greasewood are in full swing. Enjoy your visit in the Rock Capital of the World. For more information on events, visit ����� | S������ �� D����� M��������

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