North Carolina Mason
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Volume 137 Number 2 Help coming for historic lodge property Foundation has stepped up to help protect one of North Carolina's most important Masonic landmarks. They have stepped in and created an LLC (Limited Liability Corporation) which will enable the lodge to accept tax deductible gifts to aid in restoring and protecting their building in the heart of Halifax's historic district. One of our most historic lodge buildings is HALIFAX β The North Carolina Masonic By Ric Carter Royal White Hart 2's here in the middle of Hal- ifax, one of our colonial capitals. The lodge got a dispensation in 1764 from the Grand Lodge of England. The town was the home of the Halifax Resolves signed by North Carolina's Fourth Pro- vincial Congress, April 12, 1776, a predecessor to the Declaration of Independence. It became the first provincial congress to authorize her del- egates to the Second Continental Congress to join in a resolution of independence. (That's why you see that date on the NC flag.) Royal White Hart's best known patriot mem- bers were Joseph Montfort and William R. Da- vie. Montfort was a colonial treasurer and "pro- vincial grand master of and for America." Davie served as Washington's quartermaster during the Revolution, was the father of the University of North Carolina, and our third grand master. The building is situated between and within sight of the homes of Montfort and Davie. Joseph Montfort is buried in the front yard. In about 1820, Royal White Hart built their striking is a floor cloth for candidate instruc- tion which was a gift from Joseph Montfort. It still hangs, preserved, on the wall of the lodge. A unique master's chair is also older than the building. Built by local craftsman Richard Hall, see HALIFAX, page 4 lodge building, a simple, frame two-story struc- ture. They bought some new furnishings, but kept many artifacts from the time before they were real estate owners. Among their most Royal White Hart 2 is a beautiful, historic Masonic landmark for North Carolina. Clockwise from above: the lodge with Joseph Montfort's grave; the instructive floor cloth Montfort gave the lodge in 1772; and the master's chair built by Rich- ard Hall in the 1760s. Masons pull for family fun RALEIGH β I went to the North Carolina State Fair last October to talk to Hiram 98 member Earl Wells about his tractor pull team. I was surprised to find so many families in the pits. I was more surprised to find nearly enough Masons to open a lodge. My first sighting of Wells that day was of him and chief team By Ric Carter his wife. Earl got "suckered" into pulling by John Strickland (Hiram mechanic Allen Carr (Hiram 98) studying Carr's Fellow Craft catechism. They were sitting in lawn chairs beside the team haul- erβa vehicle worthy of any NASCAR team. It was big enough to haul two tractors and an entire support shop. In its front end was a plush, custom built bedroom and bathroom for Wells and 98), his future son-in-law, when Strickland invited him to Har- rells to see the annual fire department pull. John told him he could get into the Super Farm class tractor for "not a whole lot of money." Earl bought and started pulling. Earl could not es- cape his attachment to winning. "Not so much money" went out the window. His GALOT pulling team now includes an alcohol super stock tractor. The driving duties on the super stock have gone to his 17-year-old granddaughter Janalee Edge, who was see PULL, page 5 The Mason NORTH CAROLINA Official Publication of The Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina Oxford, North Carolina March/April 2012 Jeff Perry sits on his truck. THE BOTTOM LINE Our upcoming year By Robert E. Gresham Jr. Grand Master sweat when I am announced. I have completed nine out of my announced twenty six-district Line," I have continued making surprise visits. All have worked out with some smoother than others. The brothers seem to enjoy watching their officers get in a Since my last writing for the "Bottom meetings. Attendance has been great, and the food has been very enjoyable. For kicks, I have been keeping a log of the various foods that I have been served. So far slaw has been served seven times, and green beans are close behind with five times. Barbecue leads the meats with four servings. At Traphill 483, there were around 115 Masons present. Eight actually sat in the preparation room. When I was escorted into the lodge room, I went in single file. The room was full to say the least. It has been great. I look forward to the next seventeen meetings and experiencing the warm fel- lowship that I have enjoyed. As you know, we are in the middle of a hotly contested politi- cal season. Masonry prohibits talking about or getting involved in politics or religion when in a Masonic environment. They are forbidden by The Code and Masonic tradition. I recently had my concern posted on the Grand Lodge Facebook page because I was seeing messages being dispensed in official lodge communications or publications or utilizing lodge mailing lists. While Masonry encourages all Masons to take an active part in the election process, Freemasonry should never be drawn into partisan communications nor partisan commu- nication into Freemasonry. All Masons are encouraged to be good, responsible citizens. I continue to remind you of our charities. Please continue to parade on Saturday promises to be bigger than last year. On Fri- day, Andrew Jackson 576 of Salisbury has agreed to cook two pots of their Brunswick Stew which will be available for sale Friday evening. There will be entertainment Friday evening, and a good time is assured for all. On Saturday, we will have the parade as well as the barbecue cook off and more entertainment. Please ar- range to join us in Oxford for this exciting weekend. WhiteStone is 99 years old and is actively planning for its 100th support the Masonic Home for Children at Oxford and White- Stone. Our children are the future of Masonry and of our country. We have an obligation to provide for our children who need as- sistance. The senior brothers and sisters who reside at WhiteStone also need our help. They are the ones who provided for us. They have worked hard in the quarries of life and now need our as- sistance. We have a duty to support both. This year the MHCO Homecoming Festival will be held on October 12β14. The Shri- ners have assured me that they will be out in large numbers. The birthday in 2013. Forty-six independent living one- and two- bedrooms are nearing completion and will soon be available for move in. The residents and staff are excited about these additions to the campus. The long awaited Funeral Manual has been sent to the printer and should be available in the near future. This manual is not to replace the existing funeral program, but to expand and clarify the various situations in which we find ourselves when providing for our deceased brothers last wishes. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with it. During my district meetings, I have been encouraging those in attendance to start working on NPDs, those members who have see BOTTOM LINE, page 2 Earl Wells and Allen Carr enjoy a coaching opportunity before the competition. Ric Car ter photos Ric Car ter photos