Desert Messenger

December 02, 2015

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5 Celia's Rainbow Gardens 6 Editorial 7 Letters to Editor 8 Christmas Parade 9 Operation Hero Comfort 11 Restaurants 12 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 14 Rotary 15 Adventures w/Rocks 16 Around Town 26 Thrivent Action Teams 30 In Memoriam 32 Arrest Report 33 Astrology 34 Churches 36 Classifed 37 Paul Winer Cartoon WHAT'S INSIDE • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, December 2, 2015 VOL. 12 # 226 Now in our 12 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! Soup & Chowder Festival Dec. 5 IMS Urgent Care Ribbon cutting SEE IMS ARTICLE PAGE 12 The second annual Soup and Chowder Festival will be at the QIA on Saturday Dec 5, from 3 to 5:30. All funds raised will go to the Friends of Quartzsite Food Bank a new Non Profit Org in Quartzsite to help support our food bank. This is a Thrivent Action Team event and thanks to Thrivent almost every penny taken in will go to the Friends of Quartzsite Food Bank. We are looking for people to enter the competition of the best soup or chowder. This year there will be a People's Choice award and a First Second and Third place award that will be given out to the winners who will be judged by some members of the Thrivent team coming up from Yuma and a few more selected judges. What is needed is anyone who has a food handlers card to come to the QIA on Friday to cook their soup or chowder, or it can be done outside in an commercial kitchen. The Quartzsite Police Dept have volunteered to make a pot of something and it would be nice to Crowds enjoy Santa's Workshop Craft Show last weekend see a few other organizations or groups to get in the fun and stew something up. We are also look- ing for volunteers to help serve and to set up and clean up after it is over. Last year $1,200 was raised; they hope to do even better than that this year. As a community, we can do it if we try hard. Also seeking for donations for Raffle items for the Soup and Chowder Festival. For more information, call Pamela Caskey at 603-834-0647 for more information.

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