Desert Messenger

November 18, 2015

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3 Operation Hero Comfort 5 Hams Serving Community 6 Editorial 7 Letters to Editor 8 Small Business Saturday 8 Salome High 11 Restaurants 12 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 15 Around Town 24 Adventures w/Rocks 30 In Memoriam 32 Arrest Report 34 Churches 36 Puzzles 37 Classifed 38 Paul Winer Cartoon WHAT'S INSIDE SEE VETERANS DAY PAGE 4 ������ | S������ RAIN B���C�� • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, November 18 th , 2015 VOL. 12 # 225 Now in our 12 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! Santa's Workshop Arts & Crafts Festival planned Nov. 28-29 By Joanne Winer The 4th Annual Santa's Work- shop Arts and Crafts Festival will be held at Tyson Wells Show- grounds Saturday, November 28 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Sunday, November 29 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The show will be held at the 2nd metal building from the corner on W. Kuehn. All the indoor spaces have been booked, but there are still some outdoor spaces available. This festival has been a huge success for the past three years, and it looks like it's going to be even bigger and better this year!! Crafters from all over the coun- try and locally are planning on being there to show you all kinds of unique items for your Christ- mas shopping, a gift for family or friends, or just something you might want for yourself. There will be several art- ists showing their artwork, and demonstrations of painting as well. Santa will be there to greet the children, and a big raffle of homemade items donated by the crafters will be held over the two day event. Come on out and see what you can find!! The new Quartzsite-opoly game will also be available for sale at this event, since it also is a fundraiser for the Quartzsite Business Chamber of Commerce, sponsors of the Santa's Workshop. For further information, please call the Quartzsite Business Chamber at 928-927-9321. Small Business Saturday Veterans Day events draws crowds The new Quartzsite Chamber of Commerce & Tourism partnered with local businesses and Ameri- can Express to participate in the first Small Business Saturday Nov. 28 in Quartzsite! See the ad on Page 3 for the list of business- es and their One Day specials. For details, see the article on Page 8.

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