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3 Arizona Peace Trail update 4 Food Bank Fundraiser 5 Crafters wanted 6 Editorial 7 Letters to Editor 8 Salome High 11 Restaurants 12 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 13 Adventures w/Rocks 15 Around Town 24 In Memoriam 25 Arrest Report 26 Churches 28 Puzzles 30 Classifed 30 Paul Winer Cartoon WHAT'S INSIDE RV LIFESTYLES NEW VETERAN'S MEMORIAL • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, November 4 th , 2015 VOL. 12 # 224 Now in our 12 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! Veterans Day events planned By Shanana RAIN BearCAt Quartzsite, AZ - Veterans Day is November 11th and this year vet- erans will be honored in a variety of ways. RV Lifestyles will hold a Dedi- cation & Flag Raising Ceremony for their new Veterans Memorial at 9:30am. Riders of bikes, trikes, ATV's etc. will gather at Gunny's Mili- tary Museum at 9am to ride in procession to RV Lifestyles for their dedication ceremony. Rid- ers are encouraged to Fly Their Colors. The Museum is located at 735 W. Ocotillo, off N. Moon Mountain Ave. Quartzsite. RV Lifestyles is offering veter- ans a Tax Free Day (excluding RV sales/service) as a way of saying thank you to all the veterans. RV Lifestyles is located at 1795 Dome Rock Rd., Quartzsite. "So many of our customers are veterans and we wanted to say thank you for their contribution to society," said James Angerami of RV Lifestyles. Bobby Caudill added, "We wanted to show our veterans we have not forgotten your service to our country!" At 11am, VFW Post 769 will host their annual Veterans Day Remem- brance at Town Park at the Planes, corner of E. Quail Trail and Plym- outh. Buddy Poppies will be dis- tributed around town during the week. From 3pm-7pm there will be Karaoke, meat draw and 50/50. Spaghetti meal at the Post. Gunny's Military Museum will host a tribute to veterans with their annual Barbecue. Accord- ing to Pamela Caskey, "The Picnic at Gunny's Museum is a Thrivent Action Team Event. Ralph Caskey is the Team Leader and did it to help Gunny with all of his wonderful things he does to help the Veterans." Caskey asked folks going to the picnic at the Museum on No- vember 11 to bring a few canned goods to go in the box to go to the Quartzsite Food Bank; so they will continue to have food to pass out to those in need. Including veterans. She said, "Ralph will not be able to be at the picnic due to medical appointments in Yuma but hopes all will have a good time and thanks in advance for any donations you may make. Thanks also to Gunny and Debra St. Germain for all they do to help the veterans." GUNNY'S MILITARY MUSEUM VFW POST 769