Desert Messenger

October 21, 2015

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2 Quartzsite-opoly 3 Cruise-In moves to VFw 5 Halloween in Quartzsite 5 New Chamber 6 Editorial 7 Letters to Editor 8 Salome High 10 Music Jams 12 Adventures w/Rocks 15 Restaurants 16 In Memoriam 17 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 18 Puzzles 19 Arrest Report 20 Churches 22 Classifieds 22 Paul Winer Comic WHAT'S INSIDE • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, October 21 th , 2015 VOL. 12 # 223 Now in our 12 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! Successful Passport Kick-off An estimated 175 community members from all over La Paz County came together Wednes- day, October 14th for the "Pass- port" Kick-off Event at the Blue- Water Resort & Casino in Parker. "Passport to Adventure-Explore La Paz County" is a project of APS and La Paz Economic De- velopment Corporation Focused Future II Tourism and Hospital- ity Task Team. The "Passport" is a promotional 24-page calendar booklet intended to entice lo- cals and winter visitors to attend community events throughout the La Paz County area. Attend- ees included local RV Park own- ers/managers, business owners and government officials. Mary Hamilton, Parker Area Chamber of Commerce Director said, "It's been such a wonderful experience working with the all the chambers from around the county on this project." 50,000 brochures, or "Passports," are being distributed throughout the county at local businesses and Chamber of Commerce offices county-side. As explained by the Team's Chair- person Lynda Goldberg, people will be able to take their Pass- ports to "stampable" events and attractions around the county. When a participant gets 3 stamps at events in any community, they earn a "Boarding Pass" ticket into the prize drawing which will be held at the La Paz County Fair in March. Winners need not be present to win but will need to make arrangements to pick up any prizes won. Quartzsite events that are "stam- pable" include the Santa's Work- shop Craft Show, Soup & Chow- der Festival, Food Truck/Music Festival, Hi Jolly Daze Parade, BBQ Competition, QIA Gem Show, QIA Gold Show, Stage Stop Museum, Gunny's Military Mu- seum, & more! County-wide events include: Best in the Desert Racing Association off-road races in Parker, the CRIT Museum, the Camp Bouse Dedica- tion in February, the Great Arizona Outback Chili Cook-Off in Febru- ary in Salome and much more! Members of the Tourism Team in- clude the Parker, Bouse, McMul- len Valley, and both Quartzsite Chambers of Commerce, the Col- orado River Indian Tribes, indi- viduals, and the La Paz Economic Development Corporation. Pick up your Passport at Quartzsite Business Chamber of Commerce office, Quartzsite Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism office (af- ter Nov. 1st) and local businesses. For more information, visit www. Events Page 3

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