Desert Messenger

March 7, 2012

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WED. MARCH 7, 2012 Vol. 8 Issue #147 "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" Mardi Gras fun in Quartzsite See Story on Page 20 541-218-2560 No charges for QPD officers Quartzsite, Arizona- The Town of Quartzsite released the 127 page DPS investigation report after Desert Messenger requested FOIA request on Tuesday, February 21, 2012. The investigation was generated by a complaint made in July, 2011 by then mayor Ed Fos- ter alleging Quartzsite Police Chief Jeff Gilbert, Sergeant Fabiola Garcia and Officer Rick Patterson illegally removed Jennifer Jones from the June 28, 2011 town council meeting; that their actions prevented the transaction of town business; which violated ARS 13-2904, A4, Disorderly Conduct. The investigation was conducted by Arizona Department of Public Safety Special Investiga- tions Unit's Detective R. Baroldy. The findings were reviewed by Arizona Deputy Attorney General Andrew Pacheco. "The investigation was declined for prosecution based on no reasonable likelihood of con- viction," the report stated. "The investigation will be closed and no further action taken." The DPS based their investigation on video of the incident and interviews with the persons involved. The video of the incident went "viral" during the summer of 2011. Jones was charged was disorderly conduct, but those charges were later dropped. In December, 2011 the Arizona Attorney General's office found that Jones' removal was a violation of the state's open meeting law. The AG's office said councils have the right to set and enforce rules of decorum, but Jones should have been given a warning and allowed to change her behavior prior to being removed. The full DPS investigation report is available for re- view at Quartzsite Library. Desert Messenger has posted the 127 page document online at Photo by Starr BearCat La Posa Travel Management Plan Comment Period Extended Yuma, Ariz. - The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Yuma Field Office La Posa Travel Management Plan (TMP) comment period has been extended for an extra 30 days. "The original closing date for comments is March 7, 2012, however, we have decided to extend the comment period so the public can have sufficient time to review the route des- ignations and make their comments," said BLM Yuma Field Manager John MacDonald. "We analyzed approximately 1,700 miles of routes during our route designation process, so it is important for us to give the public the time needed to comment." Written comments about the La Posa TMP maps will be ac- cepted until April 5, 2012. Comments postmarked by this date will be considered in making the final decision. The comments should be specific to be most effective. Comments should be mailed to BLM Yuma Field Office, Attention: Joe Raffaele; 2555 E. Gila Ridge Road; Yuma, Arizona 85365; or through email to The La Posa Travel Management Area surrounds Quartzsite, Arizona, and encompasses over 380,000 acres of public land in La Paz and Yuma Counties. For more information about the La Posa TMP, please contact Jennifer House at 928-505-1263 or Joe Raffaele at 928-317- 3238. Jerry Lukkasson Business Owner, Resident & Former Councilmember What's Inside 2 Editorial 4 Letters to Editor 10 Around Town 14 Restaurants 17 Voices from the Past 19 Perspectives 23 Recycling column: Paperglassaluminumtinplastic 26 Candidates' Answers 32 Church Directory 40 ATV Parade Entry Form 37 Astrology 39 Classifieds FOR MAYOR "Keep Quartzsite moving in a posi�ve direc�on, improving the quality of life for families, seniors, vendors, and business owners!" Paid for by Michelle Lukkasson, PO. Box 3190, Quartzsite, AZ 85359 FREE! March 13th 2012

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