Desert Messenger

September 16, 2015

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2 Hi Jolly Cemetery new sign 3 Transit Open House 5 Summer in Quartzsite? 6 Editorial 8 Salome High 9 Desert Rescue 10 Rotary Doings 12 Adventures w/Rocks 15 Restaurants 17 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 18 Puzzles 19 Arrest Report 20 Churches 22 Classifi eds 22 Paul Winer Comic WHAT'S INSIDE MARILYN MCFATE GARNERED THE MOST VOTES ������ | S������ RAIN B���C�� • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, September 16 th , 2015 VOL. 12 # 221 Now in our 12 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! Quartzsite Volunteers honored at Council meeting By Shanana RAIN BearCat Quartzsite, AZ - The fi rst Annual Volunteer Recognition awards were presented at the regular Quartzsite Town Council meeting on Tuesday, September 8th. Mayor Ed Foster spoke saying he had a problem with consid- ering anyone as winners or losers. He said, "We have an outstanding amount of volunteers in our community. And we're envied in other communities because of the numbers of volunteers that do perform ser- vices in our community." Health & Development Board Chairperson Sally Ford and Town Manager Skylor Miller presented the awards to all the volunteers present. Marilyn McFate received the most votes for her many years of volunteering in the community. Danielle Miller was honored for her volunteer work with the Jolly Q Summer Camp recre- ation program. Robert "Gun- ny" St. Germain was honored for his charity work for veterans through Gunny's Angels. Hugh Bryant received recognition for his volunteering at the Food Bank. Rounding off the top fi ve was Sue McCracken who was honored for her volunteering at the Senior Center. Nominations were suggested by the public in July and then the public voted in August, both in paper form and online. Congratulations to all 32 nominees You all ROCK! YOUR 32 NOMINEES: Andy Kiss Carol Kelley Chelley Lynn Kaufman Danielle Miller Dean Winhold Deb. St. Germain Donna Dole Elmer London Gene Ross Hugh Bryant Iris Turner Jenny Mills Juanita "Tinker" Cornell Linda Ward Lynda Goldberg Maggie Ross Marie Jewitt Marilyn McFate Mark Goldberg Mary Ann Peck Mike Jewitt Mimi Morales Monica Timberlake Pam Caskey Richard Trusty Robert "Gunny" St. Germain Sharon Chandler Starr BearCat Suellen Pennington Sue McCracken Sylvia Browning Terry Bashore GUNNY ST. GERMAIN TAKING HOME 3RD PLACE

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