North Carolina Mason
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see ANN COMM, page 3 The Mason NORTH CAROLINA Official Publication of e Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina Volume 140 Number 4 Oxford, North Carolina July/August 2015 By Ric Carter WINSTON-SALEM — Grand Master Douglas L. Caudle will preside as our 2015 Annual Communication opens in Winston-Salem. e 228 th annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina is scheduled for September 25–26. e communication will be at the Twin City Quar- ter here, the same hotel we have used the last few years. It will be the headquarters hotel, the site of all committee meetings, and Grand Lodge business sessions. While every Mason in the state is invited, only the master and wardens of your lodge, or their official proxies, may vote during business sessions. ey'll join the same officers of the other lodges around the state. Other voters are committeemen and officers of the Grand Lodge and its districts. Workshops and committee meetings held before the official sessions will be at the Twin City Quarter on ursday, September 24. e Lodge Secretary's Workshops will be held there at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. ursday. All voting sessions will be held in the Twin City Quarter's Grand Pavilion Friday and Saturday, September 25–26. Lodge officers are asked to bring and wear their aprons for all business sessions. All Masons must present their dues card and give the pass to enter business sessions. By Ric Carter RALEIGH — On June 13, our Grand Lodge and NC's Prince Hall Grand Lodge joined North Caro- lina historical groups and the NC Department of Cul- tural Resources to celebrate the 175 th anniversary of the 1840 opening of the North Carolina State Capitol building. Capitol Square was already littered with his- torical displays and reenactors by 11:00 a.m. for the launch of the all-day celebration. The Masons, who had already opened and closed an emergent communication of the Grand Lodge earlier that morning at the Raleigh Masonic Tem- ple, gathered at the Legislative Building on Jones Street to begin their aproned procession between the Museums of History and Natural Sciences. They headed down Salisbury Street and turned to- ward the Capitol, passing the statue of the three North Carolina born presidents. The procession, led by Grand Master Douglas L. Caudle and Prince Hall Junior Grand Warden Daniel L. Thompson, Grand Lodges rededicate NC Capitol see CAPITOL, page 8 Annual meeting time Ric Car ter photo Ric Car ter photo