Desert Messenger

February 15, 2012

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WED. FEB. 15, 2012 Vol. 8 Issue #146 "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" Tillie Elmore and Grand Marshall Sandee Wall with First of Lasting Legacy Project's Camels Quartzsite, AZ - Saturday's Annual ATV Parade held in conjunction with the Arizona Centennial Party at the Park was a huge success. Besides a whole bunch of beautifully decorat- ed ATV's, food was provided by ASK & the Arizona Centennial, live music by Skyhawk, raffles for two Arizona Centennial quilts, the Rotary's raffle for a flat screen TV, Nugget Wran- gler Club raffles, delicious home- made treats from our local 4-H club, Arizona Centennial souvenirs. Winners include: "Most Unique" award went to "The Princess" group with Pat Taylor. The "Funniest" was awarded to "The Monkey Brigade" and Brian Olander. Best of Theme went to "The Hoosegow" with Don Bykonen driving. The Arizona Centennial of Quartzsite Committee unveiled their Lasting Photo by Starr BearCat Chilli Cook-off & Rock Auction planned for Sat. March 3rd Quartzsite - The Annual Chili Cook-off and Salsa Challenge will be held Saaturday, March 3rd in conjunction with Proud Neighbors of Quartzsite's (PNQ) 3rd Annual Rock Auction. Both events will be held at the football field at Town Park. Chili Tasting starts at 12 noon sharp. $5/person for tasting; get there early before the chili runs out. Calling all chili cooks! Your chili could win the top prize of $500 for the People's Choice Award! Entry form can be picked up at the Eatery and Business Chamber, on page 36, or download online at The Live Rock Auction with auc- tioneer Richard McBride, begins at 1:00pm. Check out the Rock Map on Page 34 and vote for your favorite Rock Art Piece, then come out and bid on the one-of-a- kind Rock Art Pieces. Besides the Chili Cook-Off and Rock Auction, the jam packed day will include a Beer Garden, Live Music by Skyhawk, a huge Raffle, AZ Centennial Souvenirs, PNQ will also have the new Quartzsite License Plate available for pur- chase. (See photo on page 13) Be sure to join the fun for the whole family! Legacy Project. Funds raised over the past year are being used to purchase metal Camel Silhouettes to be placed in key locations around the town, hon- oring the Quartzsite heritage and the significance of Hi Jolly, the famous camel driver who is buried in the Quartzsite Cemetery. Details will be forth- coming in the March 7th issue of Desert Messenger. SEE CENTENNIAL ON PAGE 9 Mardi Gras Art Show Feb. 25th Quartzsite- The public is invited to the gala event- Art Show, Mardi Gras Masquerade to be held Saturday, February 25th from 3pm- 7pm at Mountain Quail RV Park Rec Hall, 490 N. Moon Mountain Ave. All artists will be in costume to greet guests attending this year's gala affair. The event also includes author signings, raffle drawing, silent auction, best costume, mask contests, refresh- ments, and entertainment by A3 Variety Show. Buy a $5 raffle ticket and receive 6 tickets and a signature mask designed by local artists upon arrival on event day, while supplies last. Ticket pre-sales are available at Mt Quail Cafe or can be pur- chased on day of the event. Guests wearing a mask will be given $10 off their selection of art purchase of $75 or more. $1 donation at the door. For more information contact Summer 602-319-9169. Jerry Lukkasson Business Owner, Resident & Former Councilmember Photo by Starr BearCat What's Inside 2 Editorial 4 Letters to Editor 7 Perspectives 14 Restaurants 14 Adventures with Rocks 19 Around Town 22 Coach Louise 23 Recycling column: Paperglassaluminumtinplastic 26 Voices from the Past 32 Church Directory 34 Rock Art Map 40 ATV Parade Entry Form 37 Astrology 38 Classifieds 541-218-2560 Celebrating the Arizona Centennial - Quartzsite style FOR MAYOR "Keep Quartzsite moving in a posi�ve direc�on, improving the quality of life for families, seniors, vendors, and business owners!" Paid for by Michelle Lukkasson, PO. Box 3190, Quartzsite, AZ 85359 FREE! March 13th 2012

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