Desert Messenger

July 15, 2015

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2 New Veteran's Committee 3 Volunteer Appreciation 3 Quartzsite-opoly 6 Editorial 7 Letters to Editor 14 Photos 15 Adventures w/Rocks 16 In Memoriam 17 AA meetings 17 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 18 Puzzles 19 Arrest Report 20 Churches 22 Astrology 22 Paul Winer Comic 23 Classifi eds WHAT'S INSIDE • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 Wednesday, JULY 15 TH , 2015 VOL. 11 # 218 N�� �� ��� 11 t h YEAR! N�� �� ��� N�� �� ��� 11 Alwa y s FREE! WE NOW ACCEPT ����� | S������ RAIN B���C�� Jolly Q Summer Camp success ����� | S������ R��� B���C�� By Shanana Rain BearCat Quartzsite, AZ - Parents and community members were treated to a touching award ceremony for the 2015 Jolly Q Summer Camp. The ceremony included a presentation to VFW Post 769 of a 4' x 6' display board; with hand-painted waving fl ag designed by Mark Goldberg surrounded by red, white and blue handprints of the youngsters. Quartzsite youth enjoyed many new experiences and sci- ence projects during this year's Summer Program sponsored by the Town of Quartzsite and many volunteers. Danielle Miller volunteered her expertise and countless hours, plan- ning and executing the 6-week program. Mark and Lynda Goldberg helped Miller every step of the way, including designing the eye-catching T-shirts. Heather Canton visited twice a week, teaching the youngsters Yoga and Tai Chi, a great way for children to relax, have fun, and strengthen body and mind. "Grandma Pepper" had a grandchild in the program (before leaving town) but she kept volunteering her time helping the kids. Delicious lunches were provided every day First Assembly of God Church volunteers. Town Staff member "Miss Rosa" Santos kept track of all the activities and Park Staff were willing supporters, helping out even before being asked. The children especially enjoyed learning about dinosaur history. They experienced ecosystem projects and Cultural Diversity. In addition to fun Science experiments, the young- sters participated in a Summer Reading Program and received awards during the closing ceremony. During the program, children enjoyed a demo from the La Paz Health Clinic concerning germs. The kids took rides in Quartzsite Police cars and met Woden (pronounced Voden) the department's new K-9 offi cer. Quartzsite 4-H volunteers shared their animals with the kids. The Goldberg's supplied many really cool arts and crafts projects, including making X-Ray hands; and donated breakfast snacks for the kids every day. The kids made beautiful eagle Thank You cards for our soldiers overseas. Quartzsite Fire Dept. had a fun time with the kids, too. The youth made awesome red, white and blue tie-dye t- shirts which were worn at Independence Day cel- ebration at the Park. Robin Cooper and her helpers from Ari- zona Western College held a great demo on Cultural Diversity with the kids. Countless volunteers helped create an experi- ence the children will remember for the rest of their lives! Miller stated online, "Please continue to look out for these kids. They are our future! Be blessed and be kind to one another. Like I tell my summer campers. We are all parts of a whole. We don't always know what's going on in each other's lives. It costs nothing to show your fellow man/woman a little grace and kindness." She also said, "I hope all the Quartzsite kids have an awe- some and safe summer!"

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