Delta Kappa Epsilon - Colgate University

Summer 2015 Newsletter

Mu Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon at Colgate University

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MU CHAPTER OF DELTA KAPPA EPSILON | COLGATE UNIVERSITY SUMMER 2015 Yon Clarion Bell FOUNDATION NEWS FROM THE TEMPLE In this Issue: Thank You, Loyal Brothers 2 Winter Party 3 Alumni News 3 The Mu of DKE Foundation Board of Trustees Bob Bestwick '78 Tom Carlson '93 Cody Cowper '09 Sean F. Devlin '05 Zach Grobengeiser '07 Gregory Harden '78 F. Xave Jacoby IV '12 Mark L. Kanter '10 Eric Kramer '01 Colm O'Mara '95 Mark R. Peck '91 James A. Placa '07 Barry W. Ridings '74 John G. Robinson '60 David A. Schreiber '95 Rich M. Sotell '75 Damian Szary '01 Joe Vogler '09 John R. Wilson '52 S ince 1856, Mu of DKE has produced evidently great results in preparing young men for responsible, productive leadership positions within professional and public life. We have taken pride in thoughtfully nurturing and preserving our distinctive founding principles that are so unique to Mu. Through three centuries, Mu has only changed in order to remain the same. Since the closure of our undergraduate Chapter in 2005, Mu has confronted significant challenges to our survival. Other fraternities faced with similar challenges wither and die. This fate was unacceptable to your volunteer alumni leadership. Over the past several years, we have developed a comprehensive plan based on the analysis, discussion, and commitment of many engaged and motivated Mu alumni that will secure our brotherhood's future. Between 2005 and 2014, despite the lack of an active undergraduate Chapter, more than 200 Colgate alumni have joined the Mu of DKE Foundation. Until Colgate allows Mu of DKE to return to campus, we have found a path forward that will ensure the continuity of our unique traditions and ideals. We are a growing and active alumni Fraternity that needs your support! It is with great excitement and honor that we announce The Campaign for Mu: Stoking the Embers to Preserve the Flame. Initial commitments from loyal alumni now total over $1.8 million. This early support is indicative of the lifelong importance of our Mu experience; our bonds do not end at commencement. And for our new alumni members, their Mu experience begins after graduation. Seventy-seven percent of the 100 members of the classes of 2010-2014 have already committed financial support to this campaign with contributions totaling $93,785. Our primary mission is to have an undergraduate Chapter at Colgate that will share in our history, traditions, and the Mu experience. If our goal is to have an undergraduate Chapter, we must maintain a strong and active alumni brotherhood that will be ready to support our Chapter when it returns to campus. Having a strong and active alumni brotherhood that is engaged with Mu and Colgate will help us accomplish our mission of returning to campus. In addition, our alumni brotherhood will grow because unaffiliated alumni will want to join an active, University-recognized alumni Fraternity that continues to live its values and connect its members to each other and to Colgate. If we fail in this endeavor, our history and traditions will be lost forever. Funds raised from the campaign will support three initiatives: 1. Temple and archives restoration 2. Property endowment 3. Scholarship endowment These three initiatives will secure our rich history and tradition of excellence, provide our alumni a gathering place in a restored Temple, attract outstanding young alumni to join our ranks, and enable Mu to remain an active and growing alumni organization engaged in the life of the University, positioning our brotherhood for a triumphant return to campus. In the coming weeks, you will receive additional information with details about the Temple restoration project and property and scholarship endowments. There are many different ways for you to participate in this historic venture. Each of us benefited from the generosity, work, and sacrifice of brothers who came before us and now we have the opportunity to extend this tradition dating back over 150 years. For all who enjoyed the brotherhood and camaraderie of Mu and whose family, social lives, and careers have benefited from our membership in the Fraternity, it is time to preserve our legacy and secure the future of Mu of DKE. Who builds for self, builds only for today; who builds for love, builds for eternity. In the Bonds, Barry Ridings '74 Sean F. Devlin '05 Campaign Chairman Foundation Chairman Mu of Delta Kappa epsilon – Colgate university announCes $3.3 Million CaMpaign to restore the teMple anD establish property anD sCholarship enDowMents More Than $1.8 Million Raised in Early Commitments from Loyal Brothers P hil Geier '57 joined Mu of DKE because he says it was different from the rest. "DKE had a great mix of athletes, scholars, and just some good old boys to enjoy time together." Looking back on his DKE experience, Phil remembers Mu of DKE fondly. He says the feeling he had as an alumnus nearly 20 years ago when he led the brothers to move the Temple still resonates with him today. "I took pride in Proud to Be a DKE Today, Tomorrow, and Always Why Phil Geier '57 Stays Connected (Continued on page 2)

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