Desert Messenger

January 4, 2012

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WED. JAN. 4, 2012 Vol. 8 Issue #143 Quartzsite Council Member Bob Kelley dies Quartzsite - Family, friends and colleagues of Quartzsite Council Member Bob Kelley were saddened by the news of his passing on New Year's Eve, Sat., December 31, 2011. Kelley, whose death at 77, followed a prolonged illness, came to Quartzsite almost 30 years ago as a snowbird and vendor. He and his wife, Car- ol settled down over 20 years ago and became active in the community. Kelley was first appointed to the council in October 2008, elected to his seat in May 2010, and survived a recall attempt in 2011. Kelley, famous for never needing a microphone at the dias, was a well respect- ed member of the council and in the community. Colleagues described Kelley as a man who never minced words. Council member Pa- tricia Anderson said, "He will sorely missed." Kelley, with his wife, Carol, resided in Quartzsite over 20 years, after visiting for anoth- er 10. Kelley was instrumen- tal in helping to acquire town water for the residents of Q Mountain Vista Estates sub- division. Kelley and his wife, Carol, of the Salvation Army & the Food Bank, have been very active in the community over the years. He is survived by his wife, Carol of Salvation Army and the Food Bank, 4 children, 9 grandchildren and 17 great- grandchildren. In addition to the family, Bob and Carol fos- tered countless children and grandchildren over the years. When asked what he wanted his constituents to know about him, his reply was simply, "I'm not a Yes Man!" and everyone knew it! Memorial services pending. Hi Jolly Daze Parade Jan. 7, 2012 The 24th Annual Hi Jolly Daze Parade will be held on Sat- urday, January 7, 2012 at noon. The Town of Quartzsite and sponsors are planning the best parade in years! The parade will start at 12:00 NOON. The parade starts at the Fire Station on E. Tyson, heads east, then south on Plymouth ending up at Town Park where there will be lots of food, music and fun for the whole family. The theme this year is "Arizona thru the Century" with the Arizona Centennial year upon us. Enter your float, walk, dance, play your music, ride your bike, drive your car, ATV, RV, or walk the dog, but bring the whole family and your friends for a fun time. The Hi Jolly Daze Parade and activities afterwards at Town Park brings the residents, businesses, organizations and our Winter Visitors together to celebrate our winter season and pay tribute to the man who made our area his home for fifty years. Parade Entry Forms may be picked up at: Quartzsite Business Chamber of Commerce, Town Hall and the Quartzsite Senior Center. No Entry FEES! Or download online at www.Quartzsit- Drop off the Entry forms at Town Hall. Please turn in entries by Wednesday, January 4, 2012. For more informationlease call Quartzsite Town Hall at 928- 927-4333 or call Rain at 541-218-2560. Visit! MAIN ST. EATERY * $ 275 NOW OPEN FOR DINNER Wed, Thurs. Fri., Sat., & Sun. 4-7pm FISH FRIDAYS! min. PRIME RIB SATURDAYS! The Gathering Place of Quartzsite for Good Food, Fun and Friendship! "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" 541-218-2560 Quartzsite's First Flash Mob ~ Zumba style! Popular Zumba instructor, Jan Stivers and her gals drew attention, quizitive looks, and lots of cameras to Tyson Wells Centre last week. The crowd applauded and cheered as the dance ended. What's Inside 2 Editorial 4 Letters to Editor 7 Candidate's flag 10 Around Town 12 Voices from the Past 14 Restaurants 19 22 Perspectives 23 New column: Paperglassaluminumtinplastic 34 Rock Art Map 37 Adventures with Rocks 38 Church Directory 40 Puzzles 43 Show Schedule 45 Astrology 46 Classifieds Watch council meeting videos at user/qwatchingeyes LAUNDROMAT Full Service Laundry! MAIN ST. OPEN YEAR-ROUND! >>>> 205 E. Main Street, Quartzsite <<<< 928-927-4163 FREE! Open Daily 5AM Open 6AM- 2PM FREE with any meal* COFFEE Showers $6

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