Desert Messenger

May 06, 2015

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3 "Quartzsiteopoly" 4 Food Handlers classes 6 Editorial 7 Letters to Editor 15 Adventures w/Rocks 17 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 18 Puzzles 19 AA meetings 19 Arrest Report 19 In Memorium 20 Churches 22 Astrology 22 Paul Winer Comic 23 Classifi eds WHAT'S INSIDE • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 Wednesday, MAY 6 TH , 2015 VOL. 11 # 215 N�� �� ��� 11 t h YEAR! N�� �� ��� N�� �� ��� 11 Alwa y s FREE! Local WWII veteran to attend VE-70 Day in London ����� | S���� B���C�� SEE LONDON PAGE 10 Desert Messenger ONLINE By Shanana "Rain" BearCat Quartzsite, AZ - Long time resident Elmer Lon- don has been invited by The Royal British Legion to participate in commemorative events marking the 70th anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE) Day, May 8th thru 10th, 2015. Victory in Europe Day, generally known as V-E Day, VE Day, or simply V Day was the public holi- day celebrated on 8 May 1945 (7 May in Common- wealth realms) to mark the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Nazi Germany's un- conditional surrender of its armed forces. London served his combat duty in England for 8 months as a Staff Sergeant in the Army Air Force as Engineer Gunner. London was chosen to be a representative of the United States, one of the Allied nations and Commonwealth coun- tries that fought alongside Britain. Through the efforts of his grandson, who lives in London, the UK government is making the contribution to- wards the cost of going to London for the VE 70 commemorations. ����� | S������ R��� B���C�� �� ����� | S������ R��� B���C�� Local youth "Turn up the music" during Young Americans workshop Blythe, CA - Quartzsite & Eherenberg youth participat- ed in a three-day Music Outreach Worshop April 17-19, 2015 at Palo Verde College in Blythe, concluding with a spectacular show for the community. The Young Americans (YA) is a non-profi t educational, performance institute that was founded in 1962 by suc- cessful Hollywood music composer Milton C. Anderson. Anderson's philosophy remains unchanged today, "To provide talented young student performers with educa- tion in music, dance, performing arts and teaching. Then support these members as they teach and inspire younger students throughout the world." This world-renowned performance group with a cast of 40 Young Americans helped over 100 youngsters enjoy a memorable work- shop containing three days of singing, vocal technique, dancing, stage presence, microphone usage and many other technical aspects of performing. Parents are hop- ing to bring the YA workshop to Quartzsite next year.

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