Desert Messenger

April 01, 2015

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3 Lizzy the LIzard 6 Editorial 7 Letters to Editor 8 Track Team results 9 Golf 15 Adventures w/Rocks 16 Voices from the Past 17 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 18 In Memoriam 19 AA meetings 19 Arrest Report 20 Churches 22 Classifi eds 22 Paul Winer Comic WHAT'S INSIDE • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 Wednesday, APRIL 1 ST , 2015 VOL. 11 # 214 N�� �� ��� 11 t h YEAR! N�� �� ��� N�� �� ��� 11 Alwa y s FREE! Springtime offers great photo opps Gunny's Military Museum & VFW 769 host new event Saturday, April 4 Quartzsite-AZ- Four months ago Council member Robert "Gun- ny" & his wife, Debra, St. Germain started working on ideas for a new event, called "All Fools Rally and Community Party" to be held Saturday, April 4th. The VFW Post 769 joined the fun and their combination efforts will be a great new day-long event. Theme dress attire is encouraged, but not required! Starting at 8:30am with a "Breakfast in a Bag" at the new loca- tion for VFW Post 769 at 306 N. Central. A dedication of the post will be held at 9am. The ATV Poker run will start from Gunny's Military Museum, 735 W. Ocotillo, at 11am and ends at the new VFW Post. Cost is only $10/person. Prizes are $500 for 1st, $200 for 2nd, $100 for 3rd place. Special Trophies & awards at 2pm. At the new Post, hot dogs & hamburgers will be for sale along with a bake sale. Check out the "Fool's Beer", too! QIA along with VFW will present a special Track Chair to Jesus De La Cruz, aka Jesse, PV2 U.S. Army (RET) 101 ST Airborne, "Air Assault" Screaming Eagles who was wounded by an IED in Iraq in 2008. There will be music 1-3pm, & 6-8:30pm. Also there'll be live auctions, egg eating contest, pie eating contest, an open mic, raffl es, 50/50's, and a bake sale by the Ladies Auxiliary. "Puff" the Magic Dragon will be there too! To fi nish off the day, at 8:30pm there will be a Community Lantern Release at the new Post. For further information about this event or to par- ticipate in the poker run, please call Gunny St. Germain at 256-426-7927, or Dennis Dole at 928-580-1741, or Debra St. Germain at 256-426-4155. These Rattlesnakes were found at Tyson RV Park by the wash. Photo by Patricia Williams. The photo has been viewed over 15,000 times on social media. Photo by Christi Zuck. Watch for swarms of bees at this time of year- assume they are Africanized and call the experts/911. They most likely are just resting to give the queen a break, leaving in 1-4 days. Desert Messenger ONLINE Photo by Starr BearCat of Iola Lee's Giant Argentine Cactus, which blooms once a year. Most of the fl owers only open for a single night and are 6"- 8".

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