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3 Special Election Results 6 Editorial 7 Letters to Editor 8 Rotary Doings 11 OUT & ABOUT 12 Adventures w/Rocks 16 Voices from the Past 21 Restaurants 21 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 22 Golf 23 Golf 24 AA meetings 24 Churches 26 Puzzles 27 Arrest Report 28 Astrology 30 Classifi eds 31 Paul Winer Comic WHAT'S INSIDE • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 Wednesday, MARCH 18 TH , 2015 VOL. 11 # 213 N�� �� ��� 11 t h YEAR! N�� �� ��� N�� �� ��� 11 Alwa y s FREE! VFW hosts All Fool's Rally & Party SEE VFW PAGE 14 All Fool's Rally and Community Party to celebrate opening of VFW Post 769 new location By Joanne Winer They say that anyone who is still here after April 1 is foolish, hence the name of this new event to cel- ebrate the new home of the Ben Scott VFW Post 769 in Quartzsite. The VFW has been at the same lo- cation for many years since they fi rst opened, and have needed more space and bigger facilities for awhile. They recently purchased the Palo Verde Café on Central Blvd. and are busy getting it ready for their dedication and celebra- tion by having a big party for the community on April 4. The day will start out at 8:30 a.m. with a breakfast at the new Post--located at 305 N. Central Blvd just north of the Palm Plaza. A dedication of the new Post will be held at 9 a.m. There will also be an ATV Poker run held that will start out at Gunny's Museum and end at the new Post. Gunny's Museum is located at 735 W. Ocotillo Lane just off Moon Mountain Rd. The cost for registration is only $10 per person and the poker run starts at 11 a.m. Prizes for the winners of the Poker Run will be $500 for fi rst place, $200 second place, and $100 third place. Winners will be announced and awards given out at 2 p.m. There will be lunch of burgers and hotdogs served from noon to 3 p.m. and a dinner served from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Come out and try their "Fool's Beer" and remember that all alcoholic beverages pur- chased must be consumed on the VFW premises. Theme dress at- tire is not mandatory, but you are encouraged to come dressed like a fool if you wish!! Some of the other activities that will be part of this wonderful cel- ebration will be a special presen- tation during the awarding of the prizes for the rally. These include a special award to the Quartzsite Police Dept., Quartzsite Fire Dept., and the E.M.T.s. The VFW along with the Q.I.A. will also be presenting a very special gift to a deserving veteran from San Diego who is disabled--called a Track Chair, they are worth over $11,000 and all monies were raised in Quartzsite from several fundrais- ers to make this possible for this disabled veteran to get the help he needed to be more independent in the future. This veteran is coming here for the celebration, and will be escorted from his hotel to the VFW Post by the VFW Riders. Music will be played from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. and also again from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. There will also be raffl es, an auction, open mic, egg eating contest, pie eating con- test, and a bake sale from the La- dies Auxiliary of the Post. "Puff" the Magic Dragon, who was in the The GRAND Gathering weekend fun ����� | J������ G������ Quartzsite, AZ - TheGRAND Gathering was another full weekend for Quartzsite residents and snowbirds. The Quartzsite Improvement Assoc. (QIA) hosted the 2nd annual event - The Legacy which drew hundreds to the 3-day event. The Health Fair was busy on Friday ending with QIA's 50th Anniversary Dinner; Saturday's Craft Show, Legacy and Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra Concert was another fun-fi lled day. Sunday Paul Winer held a concert and the Com- munity Gospel Sing-Along ended the weekend. See Photos on Page 29