Desert Messenger

November 2, 2011

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WED. NOV. 2, 2011 Vol. 8 Issue #139 "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" Hi Jolly Cemetery Living History tour at Submitted by Joanne Winer Nov. 5 • 5-8pm artists Sat. Meet the Quartzsite, AZ- Proud Neigh- bors of Quartzsite (PNQ) pres- ents "Rockin' Reveal" Recep- tion on Sat. Nov. 5th at the "Rock Motel", Tyson Wells Show grounds, 100 W. Kuehn. Get a sneak peak at the beauti- ful Rock Art before they hit the town's Public Art Event! Attendees will once again vote for their favorite Rock Art. The 2010-11 People's Choice win- ner was "Water in the Desert" painted by Jo Stoltz (both are pictured above). The Rock Art will be displayed throughout the winter season followed by the Rock Auction on March 3rd. Funds raised support local organizations. Check out the fun this Satur- day 5-8pm at the Rock Motel! this past Saturday afternoon, you missed seeing the very first "Spirit Walk" that was sponsored by the Quartzsite Cemetery Board. People started coming over to line up just before 3 p.m., and all the "spirits" were ready for them!! The pioneer section of the cemetery was filled with the ghosts of Quartzsite's past, with many people tak- ing on the "spirit" of someone who lived in Quartzsite before it was even Quartzsite!! The people who came to this area and this community, and they worked very hard to keep people living here instead of going to the big cities. Some of the characters portrayed and who portrayed them include: Viktoria Hagely (Joanne Winer), John George Hagely (Art Larsen), Buck Conner (Ralph Martin), El- sie M. Kuehn (Cee Carnevale), Fred Kuehn (Don Kayser), Joseph Cone (Paul Winer), Hi Jolly (Alex Clark), Angela Scott, Wil- MAIN ST. EATERY * $ 275 NOW OPEN FOR DINNER Wed, Thurs. Fri., Sat., & Sun. 4-7pm FISH FRIDAYS! min. PRIME RIB SATURDAYS! settled here had to be a very hardy bunch, with the conditions the way they were back in the 1800s. Just imagine no highways, no electricity, no phones, etc. in the really early days--and still some of the hardships that happened in the 1900s. Quartzsite's ancestors gave their all to liam Scott and Scott family (Sandy Scott), Ben Scott (Lyle Qualls) Grampa Scott (Jef- fery Scott), Clarion Cowell, (Elmer London), Margarete James (Mary Huntley), Pauline Brown (Billie Fowler), Anna Field (Betty Braswell), William Keiser (Joe Winslow), and an Unknown (Dee Sheehan). All the players were dressed in period cos- What's Inside 2 Editorial 4 Letters to Editor 8 Voices from the Past tumes, as were the tour guides and hosts. It was a great deal of fun and lots of laughs for everyone, and those who attended said they didn't mind the wait because it was a great event and they learned a lot of Quartzsite history!! Many of them asked where the Mu- seum was, so they could learn more about our town and its "characters". Dinice Ross did a great job coordinating this event and plans are already underway to make sure it happens again next year with all the glitches ironed out (there are always a few with a new event). But for the most part, it went off like a charm. The Gathering Place of Quartzsite for Good Food, Fun and Friendship! 10 Around Town 12 15 Perspectives 20 Church Directory 27 BEST OF QUARTZSITE! 28 Puzzles 31 Classifieds Watch council meeting videos at user/qwatchingeyes Lots of "Spirits" in Quartzsite this past weekend!! If you didn't come out to the Hi Jolly Cemetery 541-218-2560 LAUNDROMAT Full Service Laundry! MAIN ST. OPEN YEAR-ROUND! >>>> 205 E. Main Street, Quartzsite <<<< 928-927-4163 FREE! Open Daily 5AM Open 6AM- 2PM FREE with any meal* COFFEE Showers $6

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