The BoTTom Line
By Douglas L. Caudle
Grand Master
Veiled in allegory and
illustrated by symbols
I have had the privilege of being a
Mason for more than 20 years. To some, that may seem a long
time, and to others, I'm still an Entered Apprentice. In my first
ten or so years my understanding of Masonry focused on fund-
raising and fellowship. Now don't get me wrong, supporting our
charities is critically important to those we have taken an obliga-
tion to help. e fellowship and friendships that I have with my
lodge brothers are some of the most special that I have.
However, there is so much more to Masonry. When a brother
is first initiated, we tell him "Freemasonry [is] a beautiful sys-
tem of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols." We
then tend to leave the veil on and not elaborate on the life les-
sons taught in our degrees and lectures. Our lectures give a brief
glimpse into the meaning of Masonry. Our lecturers do a wonder-
ful job of bringing to life these important teachings. is is why it
pains me to see brothers leaving after the degree and not staying
for the lecture. Different aspects of the lecture speak to me each
time I hear one. I encourage you to stay and closely listen to them.
I would like to challenge each of you to lift the veil. Find a word
or phrase that we use that you may not understand and research
its meaning. One might choose "So mote it be" or "hecatomb" or
any number of terms or phrases. is would be an excellent pro-
gram for Masonic Education. Research on the internet is also a
very good way to expand your Masonic knowledge. However, be
wary of sites which may not be giving you things "on the square."
I would also challenge you to seek out a wise counselor in your
lodge or district to discuss what our allegory and symbols mean.
Your Masonic Education Committee is sponsoring a series of
lectures at different locations around the state on "Allegory and
Symbolism." ese lectures are led by Ben Wallace and delve
more deeply into what our degrees mean. I have sat in on two of
these programs and am excited that it is being shared with a larger
audience. Visit the Grand Lodge website or Facebook page for
more details on time and dates.
Masonic scholarships
e NC Grand Lodge sponsors the Charles Cathey Masonic
Scholarship program. Currently eight $1,000 scholarships are
awarded each year to high schools seniors who are headed to college.
Last year, we received over 160 applications, and the five-member
committee had the monumental task of narrowing the field to only
eight. Soon, you will be receiving a letter from me along with a Ma-
sonic decal to support this program. My hope is that we can raise
enough funds to either increase the amount of each scholarship or
to expand the number awarded. Applications for the 2015 schol-
arships are now available at on the Grand
Lodge website under the "Masons in the Community" tab.
Military Veteran Certificates
We will be renewing the push to have the service information
of our military veterans updated on our lodge secretaries' MORI
system. A handsome certificate has been designed to recognize
their service to our country and to North Carolina Masonry. I
have tasked the district deputy grand masters to help the lodges
in their districts to complete these updates. If you are a military
veteran and have not received your certificate, please contact your
lodge secretary with your service information. e certificates are
organized and printed by the School of Graphic Arts at the Ma-
sonic Home for Children at Oxford. Many lodges have taken ad-
vantage of this program to hold a special program on the military
and Freemasonry.
Social media
I have renewed the updates to the Grand Master of Masons
of North Carolina Facebook page . Please follow this page to keep up with my
travels around the state. While I am a rookie in the use of this
communication tool, I will try to keep the posts and photos in-
teresting and informative. If you are not already a "friend," please
send a request so that you can have access to all of the informa-
tion. Or better yet, go old school, and "like" me by visiting one of
the many events that I will be attending this year. I look forward
to replying to your friend request by shaking your hand!
see DALLAS, page 5
The Mason
of e Grand
Lodge of
Ancient, Free
and Accepted
Masons of
North Carolina
Volume 140 Number 1 Oxford, North Carolina January/February 2015
PINEVILLE — e birthplace of President James K. Polk
was the only Presidential Historic Site in North Carolina.
Polk, who was born in Mecklenburg County on November 2,
1795, moved to Tennessee with his parents and four siblings
when he was eleven.
On November 15, Master-elect Gerry Voiles and seven other
members of James K. Polk 759 here, visited the site. ey joined
an estimated 650 visitors who attended the birthday celebration
and grand opening of the newly renovated museum.
Members of James K. Polk Lodge cooperated with Site Man-
ager Scott Warren, and his staff, to create a new exhibit in the
museum. It recog-
nizes the fact that
President Polk and
many other Presi-
dents were Freema-
sons. It also men-
tions that there is
a Masonic lodge
named for Polk.
To learn more
about the Presi-
dent James K. Polk
Historic Site, visit
ree US presi-
dents were born in
North Carolina:
Andrew Jackson,
James K. Polk, and Andrew Johnson. All three were Masons. e
birthplace of Andrew Johnson, the third president born in North
Carolina is displayed in Raleigh. — Randy Richardson
This is the new Masonic exhibit at Polk Historic Site.
Master-Elect Jerry Voiles (front
right) and Jim Williams as Presi-
dent Polk are seen here with
members of James K. Polk 759.
Polk site updated
Grand Master dedicates plaque
Dallas Courthouse restored
By Ric Carter
DALLAS — On November 16, Grand Master Dalton W.
Mayo presided over the ancient Masonic ritual for dedicating a
building here at the old Gaston County Courthouse, now known
as the Dallas Historic Courthouse.
In 1846, Dallas became the county seat of the then newly cre-
ated (from part of Lincoln County) Gaston County. It was named
for George Miffin Dallas, James K. Polk's vice president. Polk was
one of three North Carolina-born presidents and a Freemason.
is courthouse, opened in the 1848, was Gaston County's first.
After 1911, when the county seat was moved to Gastonia, it went
on to serve other purposes for the community including school
and police and fire departments.
Early in 2014, the town voted to work with the Dallas Historic
Courthouse Foundation to spend $850,000 to restore the historic
site. Work on the main building was completed late last year and
culminated in the November 16 public ceremony.
e Grand Lodge was opened and closed before the event by
GM Mayo introduces the Masonic ceremony.