CityView Magazine

November/December 2011

CityView Magazine - Fayetteville, NC

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YO U R YO SUPERSTORE! SU I-95 PER EXIT 22ORE! REAL DISCOUNTS! REAL SAVINGS! REAL PRICES! Lumberton Ford Will MEET & BEAT Any Advertised Price Or Payment . . . On A Same Equipped, Same MSRP In Stock Vehicle From Any Authorized Carolina Ford Dealer! N BULL BULL Commercial and Mobility vehicles customized to your needs. Wheelchair Vans, Ambulettes, Paratransit buses, shuttle buses and more. Our vehicles are compliant with ADA Standards. We honor Military Discounts. Mobility Made Accessible... Call Craig McMillian today to schedule your appointment to build your vehicle. EXCLUSIVE DEALER MILITARY APPRECIATION APPRECIATION 5045 DAWN DRIVE EXIT 22 OFF I-95 Lumberton F ord. c om 866-318-8621 PRICING

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