North Carolina Mason
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The BoTTom Line By Douglas L. Caudle Grand Master A changing of the guard My Brothers, I am struggling to find the words that properly express to you the gratitude that I have for your electing me your 162 nd grand master. As I men- tioned in my acceptance remarks, I am likely the most ordinary man to ever hold this high office. I come from a family of ordinary folks who taught me the value of hard work and dedication. I'm an ordinary man who petitioned a blue lodge because I saw the caliber of men in my community who were Masons and knew that this organization must be something special. Special men they were because these men took an ordinary guy and showed him how to be a Mason. Not by words only, but by deeds. Not by photo opportunities, but by living out their obligations. My wife Angela and I have spoken many times that if not for Freemasonry, we would have never had the privilege of meeting so many won- derful and dedicated people. Plans for 2015 Along with your other Grand Lodge officers, we have many exciting opportunities to continue the good works begun by our predecessors. We did not wait until installation to start making plans for 2015. Work began on November 7-8 with a joint meet- ing of the DDGMs and DDGLs of our 41 districts across the state. is meeting was held at WhiteStone and had multiple benefits. We had the opportunity to meet and fellowship while showcasing all of the many upgrades to our Home in Greensboro. is meeting also gave us the opportunity to share plans for the upcoming year. I have requested that each DDGM have at least two group meetings with the masters and wardens of each lodge in his district. ese meetings will be to encourage cooperation between the lodges, discuss best practices, plan for the year, and assist with the execution of the plans. We discussed many top- ics which included, Masonic education, ritual proficiency, FUNd raising, lodge budgets, misinformation about WhiteStone, creat- ing value in our lodges, and communicating better with our mem- bers. I will be meeting bimonthly with the DDGMs via confer- ence call to follow up and assist with executing these plans. Plans are already underway to continue with these annual joint meet- ings with the 2015 session being held at the Masonic Home for Children at Oxford and at the Grand Lodge Office in 2016. Masonic Education Your Masonic Education Committee has been hard at work developing new programs and enhancing existing ones. e Offi- cers Handbook has been updated and is now available on the Grand Lodge website. (I encourage you to take a moment to review this and the System for Masonic Education; both are treasure troves of wonderful information.) ere will also be a new series of lectures on allegory and symbolism at several areas around the state. ese lectures delve into the meanings of our words, phrases, and sym- bols of our craft, as well as, the esoteric meaning of our degrees. e Wardens Boot Camps and Coaches Workshops will be con- tinued and enhanced this year as well. e committee is working with the Grand Lodge staff to update and improve the resources available on the Grand Lodge website. Area Meetings We have expanded the grand master's area meetings this year to 28 locations around the state. I look forward to meeting each of you and spending time in good Masonic fellowship. I will be encouraging each of you to "find your quarry" to work in. North Carolina Masonry has many lodges who have a wide variety of experiences that can fit your needs. Whether you want to empha- size fundraising, ride a motorcycle, fellowship with your Brothers, focus on Masonic education, or wear a tuxedo and observe the older traditions of our craft, there is a lodge for you. By finding your quarry, you will take a rough ashlar and polish it to a more perfect ashlar by dwelling with like-minded Brothers. I am encouraged each day by the passion that so many of you have for our gentle craft. You have entrusted in me the privilege to serve you as grand master. For that, my Brothers, I will work each day to continue to earn that trust. see INSTALL, page 5 see THOMPSON, page 4 The Mason NORTH CAROLINA Official Publication of e Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina Volume 139 Number 6 Oxford, North Carolina November/December 2014 Ric Car ter photo On December 6, Douglas Lynn Caudle was installed as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Ac- cepted Masons of North Carolina. He is the 162 nd man to hold that office. He was elected grand master at our Annual Com- munication in September. Caudle was born May 20, 1963 to Phares and Carrie Caudle. He has spent his life in Iredell and Alexander counties. Doug and Angela Johnston Caudle have been married for 26 years. ey live in Statesville and on a small farm in Stony Point. e Caudles own and operate Piedmont Fiberglass in Tay- lorsville. e company manufactures various composite products in the architectural, aquatic, and transportation industries. He has served on the Board of Directors for the American Composites Manufacturing Association. He is a member of Statesvillle 27, Orphans 761, Wilkerson Col- lege 760, Grassy Knob 471, and Sophia 767. He is also a member of several appendant organizations. He first joined Statesville 27 where he was initiated August 31, 1993, passed October 19, and raised November 6, 1993. He served the lodge as master in 1998. Doug Caudle served on various Grand Lodge committees and boards over the years. For six years, he was chairman of the Board of Directors for the Masonic Home for Children at Oxford. Grand Master David R. Cash appointed him to the Grand Lodge line in 2007. Caudle was recently appointed to the Board of Directors for the Masonic Restoration Foundation. He has served on the Alexander County Economic Develop- ment Corporation and Alexander County Education Foundation. Caudle has collected coins since he was 12 years old. Upon his election to the of- fice of grand master in September, Grand Master Douglas Caudle appointed Larry B. ompson Jr. grand steward. at puts omp- son at the bottom rung of North Carolina's progressive line to be- come grand master. He is a resi- dent of Salisbury, NC. ompson was born in Troy, NC on May 11, 1966 to Larry Bogan and Ellen Jean Gard- ner ompson. He was raised in Mount Gilead. He is a 1988 graduate of Ap- palachian State University and is employed as an environmental su- pervisor with the North Carolina Department of Transportation. He is a biologist and licensed soil sci- entist who has also operated his own environmental consulting company for the past 14 years. ompson is married to Angela Hillard ompson and they are par- ents to six children who range in age from 6 weeks to 17 years. He is a member of Blackmer 127, STATESVILLE — On Saturday, December 6, in a cer- emony repeated many times in the history of our fraternity, Douglas L. Caudle became the 162 nd man to serve as grand master of Masons in North Carolina. He and his officers were installed at a 10:00 a.m. gathering here in the States- ville Civic Center. Caudle's journey in the Grand Lodge line began when he was appointed grand steward by David R. Cash shortly after Cash was elected grand master in 2007. Past Grand Master Cash, now as installing officer, assisted his appointee in be- ginning the final steps on his path through the line. Pianist Brenda Wallace played, and the officers of So- phia 767 served as ushers as the crowd entered the hall. e installation ceremony began with a welcome from Grand Master Dalton W. Mayo and the presentation of colors by the National Sojourners' Heroes of '76. e officers-elect entered with their wives and were seated in the audience. e officer stations on the stage were held by pro tempore Caudle becomes 162 nd grand master Grand Lodge installs 2015 officers Douglas L. Caudle Grand Master Caudle is new grand master Wilkerson College 760, Mosaic 762, Knights of Solomon 764, and So- phia 767. He first joined Masonry in Blackmer 127 where he was initiated May 1, 2001; passed July 10, 2001; and was raised August 21, 2001. He was Blackmer's master in 2004, Wilk- Thompson joins line Larry B. Thompson Junior Grand Steward stand-ins — the masters of the 30 th Masonic District. e crowd of more than 300 sang "America the Beau- tiful." Installing Secretary Chris Richardson introduced each of the officers as they stood, hand over heart, to take their obligation. Assistant Installing Marshal Dewey R. Preslar Jr. (PGM) escorted Caudle to the altar after his introduction by Installing Marshal William B. Brunk (PGM). ere, he knelt for the prayer made by Install- ing Chaplain omas P. Dolinger. Installing Officer David R. Cash (PGM) then in- stalled Caudle as grand master of Masons in North Carolina. PGM Preslar invested him with the apron and collar of the office. e new grand master was then seated in the East and observed as Cash installed the rest of the officers. e ceremony was very similar to the one you see Ric Car ter photos Michael Harding/Genesis Group photo