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WED. SEPT. 21, 2011 Vol. 8 Issue #136 N�� O�����! Night of Hope brings crowds out to park By Joanne Winer On September 11, 2001, the world as we knew it was changed forever, and innocence was indeed lost as we watched the news pro- grams showing over and over again the planes crashing into the Twin Towers, starting the chain of events that shook the whole world. As news spread and we saw the devastation of not only the World Trade Center, but also the Pentagon in Washington and the results of the Flight 93 crash in Pennsylvania, we prayed for the families of the lost souls who died that What's Inside 2 Editorial 4 Letters to Editor 6 Voices from the Past 10 Around Town 12 International Peace Day 14 15 Perspectives 16 Church Directory 20 Puzzles 23 Classifieds Watch council meeting videos at user/qwatchingeyes "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" day, and also for the survivors whose lives were changed forever. It was one of the worst mo- ments we all shared, and after the dust settled and we knew how many had lost their lives, the anger and disgust at those who dared to come onto American soil and destroy our lives kept us going together as a nation who vowed not to ever let this kind of thing happen again. Now, ten years later, things have changed forever in our country, with extra vigilance and new plans in place to secure our homeland from ever having this kind of thing happen again. It is a constant reminder of how vulner- able we were and how much we learned about ourselves in its aftermath. The Centennial Committee of Quartzsite decided to mark this special anniversary with a candlelight vigil that was held at the Town Park pavilion on Sept.11 this year. More than 150 people showed up to be a part of this spe- SEE HOPE ON PAGE 7 Quartzsite fires 5 police officers On Friday, September 9, 2011, 6 Quartzsite Police Officers, 1 Evidence Tech/Clerk and 3 spouses, took their case against the Town of Quartzsite to Federal Court in Flagstaff. Aug. 3rd: La Paz County Su- perior Court Judge Randolph Bartlett placed a Temporary Restraining Order (T.R.O.) on the town, barring them from firing the employees who had accused their chief of miscon- duct. In the Aug. 15th hearing: Attorney, Justin Pierce, repre- senting the Town, requested the case be moved to federal court, saying the case is an em- ployment issue. On Sept. 9th, U.S. District of Arizona Judge Mark E Aspey said the T.R.O. the La Paz County Superior Court placed upon the town by defendants had expired, and by moving the matter to SEE OFFICERS ON PAGE 13 MAIN ST. EATERY * $ 275 NOW OPEN FOR DINNER Thurs. Fri. & Sat. 4-7pm FISH FRIDAYS! min. PRIME RIB SATURDAYS! OPEN YEAR-ROUND! The Gathering Place of Quartzsite for Good Food, Fun and Friendship! 205 E. Main Street, Quartzsite Jones challenges mayoral recall election Quartzsite, AZ - Judge Mi- chael Burke has set a date for a hearing on Thursday, Sept. 22nd at 10am in La Paz Coun- ty Superior Court, in Parker, re: Jennifer Jones vs. Jose Lizarraga. Thursday, Sept. 8, 2011 Jen- nifer Jones filed a legal chal- lenge to the mayoral recall election. Papers were filed in the La Paz County Superior Court in Parker, Ariz. In the recall election held Aug. 30, Jose Lizarraga received 302 votes, Ed Foster garnered 245 votes, and Jennifer Jones re- ceived 23. In a press release issued on Sept. 8th, Jones claims Lizar- raga is not qualified to be mayor under Section 2-1-10 of the Town Code (Ordinance 9-15). Jones asserts that Lizarraga violated the state of Arizona's open meeting laws in his po- sition as a councilperson and that he thwarted Mayor Ed Foster's investigation into wrongdoing by the council, among other accusations. She is asking the court to find Lizarraga ineligible for office, and designate Ed Foster as the winner of the election. According to the press re- lease, "The civil case is between private parties Jones and Lizarraga, so town attorney(s) may not represent the newly elected mayor. Jones filed "in pro per", and will represent herself." The court did not receive an answer from Lizarraga. How- ever, the Town of Quartzsite filed an Application to Inter- vene, stating if the court de- clares Lizarraga is not quali- fied, the mayoral position would be considered vacant. Town Attorney Martin Bran- nan argues as of Sept. 6th when the votes were can- vassed, Ed Foster ceased to be mayor. According to his argument, if Lizarraga were deemed to be unqualified, the council has the right to fill the position according to A.R.S. §9-235. Judge Burke granted the town's application to inter- vene. The court has allotted one hour for the hearing. For Current Events and News visit MAIN ST. LAUNDROMAT Full Service Laundry! Pick up & Delivery! 928-927-4163 FREE! Open Daily 6AM Open 6AM- 2PM FREE with any meal* COFFEE Showers $6