Desert Messenger

November 05, 2014

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3 Under Sheriff Irwin drama 6 Editorial 7 Letters to Editor 8 Rotary Doings 10 Around Town 12 Restaurants 14 Adventures w/Rocks 16 Voices from the Past 23 In Memoriam 24 Churches 25 Arrest Report 26 Astrology 27 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 28 Puzzles 30 Classifi eds 30 Paul Winer Comic WHAT'S INSIDE • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 Wednesday, NOV. 5 TH , 2014 VOL. 11 # 204 N�� �� ��� 11 t h YEAR! N�� �� ��� N�� �� ��� 11 Alwa y s FREE! SPECIAL PRICING FOR OUT OF TOWN RESIDENTS! FREE MAXIMUM SECURITY TRAILER LOCK WITH TRAILER PURCHASE! 1195 SOUTH 19TH AVENUE / PHOENIX, AZ 85009 Quartzsite, AZ - Sgt. Reginald Winston was ap- proved by Town Council after being recommended for the position by a review panel comprised of the Town Manager Skylor Miller, Town Attorney Susan Goodwin, Council Members Carol Kelley and Mark Orgeron, Wickenburg Chief of Police Pete Wingert, Buckeye Chief of Police Larry Hall and Interim Chief Xavier Frausto. Sgt. Winston comes to Quartzsite with nearly 20 years of police experience in a variety of roles includ- ing community policing and administration. He has also distinguished himself in service to our country, fi rst in the U.S. Marine Corps for 13 years and later as an offi cer in the Army National Guard where he par- ticipated in oversea tours in Operation Iraqi Freedom. He has earned multiple degrees covering the fi elds of Administrative Justice, Public Safety Administration and a Master's of Science in Leadership. Tuesday's Election results Quartzsite, AZ - By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear Arizona's counties continue to tabulate ballots from the 2014 General Election. State law gives the counties fi ve business days, until the end of Wednesday, Novem- ber 12th, to verify and process the remaining early and provisional ballots. The unoffi cial results were released Tuesday evening. As of press time, 9 out of 11 county dis- tricts had reported. Quartzsite Precinct 58 (north) had a voter turnout of 42.66%. Quartzsite Precinct 64 (south) had 44.22% turnout. QUARTZSITE TOWN COUNCIL: 5 candidates ran for two (2) four-year council seats. Carol Kelley received 246 votes (25.20%) Terry Frausto received 202 votes (20.70%), Hal Davidson received 200 votes (20.49%) Bradley Trainer received 179 votes (18.34%). Monica Timberlake received 141 votes (14.45%) With just 2 votes seperating Frausto and Davidson, there will be recount. Quartzsite gets new Chief of Police Winston will have a starting salary of $80,000, with a six month review raising it to $82,000. Winston said he looks forward to working with each and every one of the community members over the next several years. Winston said he thinks he will have a wonderful time working with everyone bring- ing the community together as one. Town Manager Miller said, "His education, experi- ence, professionalism, management style, and com- munity-mindedness were a perfect fi t for the police department." SCHOOL BOARD QES DISTRICT 4: 8 candidates ran for three (3) 4-year seats. Incumbent Monica Timberlake received 332 votes (20.33%). Carrol- lynn Henshaw received 312 votes (19.11%). Yes- enia Jackson received 276 votes (16.9%). Shirley Foster received 229 votes(14.02%). Bonnie Quintana received 154 votes (9.43%). Cindy Drakulich received 133 votes (8.14%). Iliana Cruz received 106 votes (6.49%). Irene Segura received 86 votes (5.27%). QES SCHOOL BOND Failed, NO votes were 273 (60.67%) to 273 YES votes (39.33%) LA PAZ COUNTY races: Tammy Carnevale ran unop- posed for JUSTICE OF THE PEACE JP 4 and received 631 votes (97.98%). CONSTABLE JP4: Marie Wister (R) received 529 votes (70.63%) Starr BearCat (D) received 219 votes (29.24%).

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