Desert Messenger

October 15, 2014

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3 Halloween Walk 5 Harvest Festival 7 Letters to Editor 8 Rotary Doings 9 Salome High School updates 10 Candidates Questionnaire 15 Adventures w/Rocks 15 Restaurants 17 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 18 Churches 19 Arrest Report 20 Puzzles 21 In Memoriam 22 Classifi eds 22 Paul Winer Comic WHAT'S INSIDE • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 Wednesday, OCT. 15 TH , 2014 VOL. 11 # 203 N�� �� ��� 11 t h YEAR! N�� �� ��� N�� �� ��� 11 Alwa y s FREE! A������ P���� | 2013 | S���� B���C�� SEE ROTARY DAY PAGE 15 WE NOW ACCEPT "REMEMBERING OUR VETERANS" Quartzsite, AZ - The annual Walk with the Past will take place Saturday, November 1st, 2014 from 1:00 pm to 3:00pm at the Pioneer section of the Hi Jolly Cemetery. This year's theme for the Cemetery Walk – "Remembering our Veterans" is a walk back through years of a proud and tragic time for many Americans. The veterans in the Hi Jolly Pioneer Cemetery span from the Spanish Ameri- can War, WWI and WWII to the Korea and Vietnam Wars. The actors and actress portraying our deceased veterans and their families will put a realistic touch to the many facets of the wars. As side entertainment, the Ladies Auxiliary will be the Donut Dollie's, serving donuts, pop and water for a quick pick-me-up at their tent. There will be side events to view and listen to. The "Walk" is free, the entertain- ment is free, the memories are free, so bring your family, & bring your neighbors. We will honor these and all veterans and their families left at home, then and now. Annual Walk with the Past planned for Nov. 1 st 1st Rotary Day planned for November 8th By Judi Clark Have you seen our fl yers? Are you wondering what all this about? Let me give you a visual of how we see this day unfold. You start the day at the La Paz County courthouse parking lot enjoying Coffee & Old-fashioned Donuts as you register for the Run, Walk, Rock & Roll (RWRR). You are a colorful mix of people and ages— some of you are serious about this challenge and will run or walk or bicycle the 5K race. And then there's the rest of you. You are milling around in funny costumes or brightly colored outfi ts or silly hats. Or maybe not. Maybe you just look like yourself but you are enjoying the ingenu- ity and diversity of this crowd. You have your walkers & wheelchairs & scooters. Almost all are decorated. Or a whole group of you have decided on a theme and we are chuckling at your creativity. Many of you recycle your Halloween costumes … especially the kids… it was a good costume, why not wear it again! Oh, you are all looking so good, so colorful, so fun… and we are snap- ping pictures and taking videos as you all prepare to start the RWRR. The 5K entrants begin: fi rst the bicyclists, then the run- ners and fi nally the walkers. The 5K people are expected to fi nish the race course and will win prizes for crossing the fi nish line fi rst. Meanwhile the rest of you start the course. Whether you walk, tricycle, skateboard, wheel- chair or scooter 1/8 mile or a 1 mile it doesn't matter. You are all winners. You helped us raise money. So… how does this type of fundraiser work? Simply put, you or a sponsor pays your fee to enter. $25 for Adults & Teens; $15 for kids 6 to 12; under 5 are free. You can sponsor yourself and your family. You can ask a local business to sponsor you. You can ask a friend to sponsor you. Or, you can do what I did…challenge your boss! I asked HCB to pay for each employee that wants to participate and they gave a resounding yes. The thing about this approach is that your employer gets off easy unless you all participate, so help your employer give more money to your community! Here's a another way this works. Anyone can make a challenge to get more people to participate. See the chal- lenge to RV parks at the end of this article! Don't know who wants to participate? Donate sponsorship money and we'll fi nd the participant for you. Think of this as our own ice bucket challenge. 50% of the net proceeds are going to The Food Bank.

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