Desert Messenger

July 6, 2011

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J��� 6, 2011 ���.D�����M��������.��� Quartzsite Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition holds 1st Annual Invitational Dinner Submitted by Samantha Hess Quartzsite Substance Abuse Pre- vention Coalition (QSAPC) held our fi rst annual invitational meet- ing on May 19th 2011. This meeting was held to invite people within the Quartzsite community to attend, lis- ten in on a presentation, & join us for dinner. The informational session of the meeting began at 4pm. The information provided for the guests was shown in a slideshow that was also printed for the guests to read over themselves. Within the slideshow information was provided about what the coalition is all about, what we are trying to accomplish, and what we have accomplished thus far. We stressed the fact that our biggest issue as of right now is man power, & how we can use all the hands, ideas, and people that are willing to volun- teer & help. As of right now the co- alition only has about eight regular attendees to our monthly meeting, we hoped that throughout this din- ner we could provide the informa- END OF tion that would persuade individuals to join our coalition & help us to pro- vide the community with the contin- ued support we have been trying to give. We had a good turn out of 24 people that signed in on the sign in sheet, and we had many people that seemed very interested in getting involved and helping out. We even had people already suggesting new ideas & things that they thought we could do within the community to better it. After the presentation and Q & A portion, we then served dinner, and the guests continued to talk with each other, and also current coalition members, about ideas, the next meeting, and more information on the coalition. We encourage anyone that is inter- ested in the coalition to attend our monthly meetings. They are held the third Thursday of every month at 4pm at the local fi re department. All in all the meeting was a com- plete success and we hope to have gained some new members by the next meeting on Thursday, July 21st. SAVE NOW on Cactus & Succulents! Hundreds to choose from! The Rock Pile (across from Silly Al’s Pizza) 928-575-6108 Gem Stone Jewelry & Black Hills Gold Jewelry JEWELRY • FINDINGS Black Hills Gold Jewelry, Moun� ngs, Gems, Minerals, AMERICAN INDIAN JEWELRY & POTTERY BEADS • Southwest & How-to Books Open Daily 8-5 Sun. 9-4 CLOSED TUESDAYS 928-927-6381, Fax 928-927-4814 1250 W. Main, Quartzsite (across from McDonald’s) P��� 7 Dalai Lama ~ Our visit to this planet is short, so we should use our time meaningfully, which we can do by helping others wher- ever possible. And if we cannot help others, at least we should try not to create pain and suffering for them. New Location! Windshield Open All Summer! & Repair Service W. Cowell just north of Post Offi ce & Shell Station Glassweld Certifi ed 928-927-7792 Quartzsite ARIZONA WESTCOAST REALTY Realtors: BARBARA COWELL 928-916-4222, Cell CAROLYN GUTHRIE 928-916-8469, Cell JOHN YACKLEY, BROKER 928-916-1195, Cell E-mail: 360 N. Plymouth Ave., Quartzsite • • 928-927-8900 Restaurant and Bar. Off Track Betting. Outside Seating. Approx. 4700 square foot building with asphalt parking lot. Located on busy Main Street. $375,000. Ad- jacent property also for sale. Give Barbara a call and get more infor- mation. #8080. Looking for an RV lot in Quartzsite? We have many to choose from starting at $34,000. Town water and sewer with electrical service to most. Owner fi nancing on some. Call us and let us know what you are looking for and we will help you in your search. If you are looking for acreage in the outlying areas, we have that too. We have a number of 5 acre parcels starting at $40,000. Larger parcels available. Give us a call and let us fi nd you what you are looking for. Frame Built home on 1/3 acre. 2 bedroom, 2 bath with Arizona room. Town water and sewer. Very clean. Asking $99,000. Call for an appointment to see. #8086. This 2.44 acre parcel has a lot of income potential. Pro- pane sales, building rentals, Laundromat, meat market, and outside storage. Cur- rent owner is negotiable on lease back. Nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath home also located on property. On Hwy 95 close to Main Street. Additional RV hookup in back. Call for more info or make an ap- pointment. A good buy at $495,000. #8023. Beautiful 1 acre parcel that is completely fenced. Unique landscaping. Mature shade trees. Detached garage. Main home with covered patio. Guest home with covered patio and an additional RV hookup with concrete slab. All furnishings included. Very private. $130,000. #8096. What a cutie. This 2 bedroom, 2 bath home sits on a corner lot in Rainbow Acres with fantastic views of the mountains. Detached garage. Nicely land- scaped. Covered Patio area for entertaining and separate spa room. Owner may carry. Ask- ing $155,000. Make an offer. #8140. If you need a large house for the family, friends or in- laws, this may work for you. 5 bedroom main home with approx. 2300 sq. ft. living space. Living room, family room, country kitchen. You also have a separate 1 bed- room, 1 bath block home on this 1.04 acre property. Sep- arate water & electrical lines to the homes. Shop. Utility buildings. RV hookups. 2 covered patios. A must see. $250,000. #8138. Michael’s

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