Desert Messenger

July 6, 2011

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J��� 6, 2011 Real Estate advertised in Desert Messenger is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1988. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertising for Real Estate which is in violation of the law. WANTED: HOUSE/MOBILE Need House/Mobile ASAP! 3-4 bedrooms in Quartzsite with 1 RV hookup, if pos- sible. Please call 928-927- 3070 OR 360-903-402, cell SEEKING INFORMATION on relative: My cousins name is Wayne Woodward and lived in or around Quartz- site in the 70’s/80’s. He could be going by Wayne Belky, or Bilky, or Bilke. He may have been a police of- fi cer in town. He would be now 70-75 years old, and could have moved out of the area by now, possibly California. If anyone has information we would ap- preciate. Please contact Karma Pace 435-353-4903 in Utah. VERY NICE MOBILE HOME in Tyson Mobile Home & RV Park, Quartzsite, for sale. Casa Real, 8x32, 2 slides, $6500. Swamp Cooler, central heat/air, enclosed gated patio, 2 sheds. 928- 287-0363. RV SPACE ON GRANDPA’S farm/ranch near Quartzsite. Perfect for retired couple. Space for your RV, gar- den, & friendly pet. Space fee can be traded for light work: irrigation, weeding, etc. 50 amp metered ser- vice. Great well water. 951- 532-5604. MOSSBERG 22 LONG RIFLE scope, 3 clips, $300. Call Bob 928-225-6791 GIBSON MELODY MAKER electric guitar. Never played. Suggested retail price new is $699.00 Will sell for $400 fi rm. Call 928- 916-3392. WANTED TO BUY: small travel trailer-- call 928-927-5687 FOR SALE: 3-wheel elec- tric scooter. Hand brake, throttle, 2 speeds, horn, turn signals, headlight and tail light. Bright red--bas- kets front and rear. New batteries. Speedier than most power chairs. $400. 928-927-5687. ���.D�����M��������.��� CLASSIFIEDS READERS & MUSIC LOVERS 100 Greatest Novels (audio books) ONLY $99.00 (plus s&h.) Includes MP3 Player & Accessories. BONUS: 50 Classical Music Works & Money Back Guarantee. Call Today! 1-888-482-3703 VENDORS WANTED for 2nd Annual “Quartzsite Country Bash” the week- end of October 14, 15, 16 at Town Park. Arts, Crafts, Beer garden, food, country music, all in festival seat- ing. Camping available. Call Monica Timberlake for details: 928-916-4120. CANADA DRUG CENTER is your choice for safe and af- fordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail or- der pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 90 percent on all your medica- tion needs. Call Today 888- 589-8039 for $25.00 off your fi rst prescription and free shipping. TRAVEL TRAILER FOR SALE $1500. Cactus Patch RV Park, Quartzsite, space 38. Call Frank at 928-927- 6717. SMALL DIRT DEVIL ba- gless vacuum cleaner, $15, model train set-up $99. 928- 927-5687. REDUCED! MOBILE FOR SALE Quartzsite, furnished, large lot, 24’ x 12’ covered porch. Rent paid thru Decem- ber 2011 Mountain Quail. Mobile Home Park #34. $13,500 - Make offer! 928-927-5075 or 541-301-4303 DIABETES/CHOLESTEROL/ WEIGHT LOSS Natural Product for Cho- lesterol, Blood Sugar and weight. Physician recom- mended, backed by Hu- man Clinical Studies with fast acting results within 30 days. Call to hear about our special offer 888-804-4982 BUY & SELL Antiques Jewelry, Gold, Sil- ver, Placer Gold and Nug- gets. 14 Years in Quartz- site. Natures Nuggets, Year-round! Call 928-927-5479 WIPE OUT CREDIT CARD DEBT! STOP Garnishments, Re- possessions, Foreclosures & Harassment! Attorney Driven – Nationwide Offi c- es FREE Consultation! Se Habla Espanol Call Now – 888-393-8067 SOCIAL SECURITY DISABIL- ITY BENEFITS. You WIN or Pay Us Nothing. Con- tact Disability Group, Inc. Today! BBB Accredited. Call For Your FREE Book & Consultation. 888-856-1179 DISH NETWORK DELIVERS more for less! Packages starting at $24.99/mo, Lo- cal channels included! FREE HD for life! Free BLOCKBUSTER® movies for 3 months. 1-866-754-0974 VERY NICE MOBILE HOME in Tyson Mobile Home & RV Park, Quartzsite, for sale. Casa Real, 8x32, 2 slides, $6500. Swamp Cooler, central heat/air, enclosed gated patio, 2 sheds. 928- 287-0363. REDUCED! MOBILE FOR SALE Quartzsite, furnished, large lot, 24’ x 12’ covered porch. Rent paid thru Dec. 2011. Mountain Quail Mobile Home Park #34. $15,500. Make offer! 928-927-5075 or 541-301-4303. VENDORS WANTED for 2nd Annual “Quartzsite Country Bash” the weekend of Octo- ber 14, 15, 16 at Town Park. Arts, Crafts, Beer garden, food, country music, all in festival seating. Camping available. Call Monica Tim- berlake for more details: 928-916-4120. SPACE FOR RENT for RV in Sonrise RV park. Rent $175. month, plus electric. Call 927-6160 Ask for Tim. HANDYMAN, auto me- chanic, carpenter—you name it! Specializes in building wheelchair ramps. Call Scott 623-202-1171 AL’S RV PARK. Rent- als starting at $375.00 to $460.00 a month plus utili- ties, includes 120 channel Dish TV, WiFi, large cov- ered porch, storage shed. Fully furnished. Very nice small park 928-927-6715 LOT WATERING & PLANT Care. Fulltime local will care for your lot. Security, water system & plant care. Ernie, $200/season or $40/ month. 928-927-5313 LOOKING FOR A SPACE to put up advertising sign for Crraazy Jacks Redwood Signs (2’x4’) during the season on Main St., Hwy. 95 & other busy streets in the area in exchange for 2 or 3 personalized signs per 2 ads for $ season. (Great Gifts!) Cell, 928-287-4724 (corrected number) RAINBOW ACRES, GREAT DEAL!!!! $162,000/ OBO, 3 bedroom 2 bath, with great ammenities. Large boat deep MAN ga- rage, 6 person jacuzzi, fully landscaped/sprinklered/ timer yard. Lots of ceramic tile, new berber carpet in bedrooms. All appliances included. Must see to ap- preciate Call Suzan at 928- 486-9955. To Donate $10 to American Red Cross. Text “REDCROSS” to 90999 8 541-218-2560 Recycle... it all adds up! P��� 23 FREE CLASSIFIEDS* 4.50/ad or *for items under $999 (30 words, 1/mo./private party) 30 words $ Recycle your empty inket cartridges and used cell phones! Help raise funds for the local Arizona Centennial celebration! DROP OFF LOCATIONS: • Horizon Community Bank • Quartzsite Library • Senior Center • General Store • Business Chamber Sponsored by Proud Neighbors of Quartzsite

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