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P��� 22 Patriotic sounding places Thirty-one places have “liberty” in their names. The most populous one as of April 1, 2010, is Liberty, Mo. (29,149) Iowa, with four, has more of these places than any other state: Lib- ertyville, New Liberty, North Liberty and West Liberty. Thirty-fi ve places have “eagle” in their names. The most populous one is Eagle Pass, Texas (26,248). Eleven places have “independence” in their names. The most populous one is Independence, Mo. (116,830) Nine places have “freedom” in their names. The most populous one is New Freedom, Pa. (4,464) One place with “patriot” in the name. Patriot, Ind. (209) Five places have “America” in their names. The most populous is Ameri- can Fork, Utah (26,263). ���.D�����M��������.��� Strange but True By Samantha Weaver It was American author Paul Auster who made the following sage observa- tion: “Only the good doubt their own goodness, which is what makes them good in the fi rst place. The bad know they are good, but the good know nothing. They spend their lives forgiv- ing others, but they can’t forgive them- selves.” If summer where you are is starting to heat up, just be grateful you don’t live in western Australia. There, the aver- age temperature is 96 degrees F. -- all year long. Those who study such things claim that the supposed pirate tradition of walking the plank is a myth. Whenever pirates wanted to get rid of something -- or somebody -- they just tossed the offender overboard without ceremo- ny. When a baby is born it has more than 300 bones in its body, but due to bone fusion, adults end up with only 206 bones. The next time you’re planning a Eu- ropean vacation, make time to visit the coast of the Netherlands, where you can stay in one of the world’s most unusual hotels. Along the banks of the Wadden Sea you’ll fi nd Harlingen Har- bour Crane, an actual derrick that was once used to haul timber. These days it holds aloft luxurious sleeping quarters designed for only one party at a time. If you need a change of scenery, just head to the control room to swing the crane around until you fi nd a view that strikes your fancy. You may be surprised to learn that there is a growing interest in the new sport known as chess boxing. It’s a hy- brid sport in which competitors alter- nate 4-minute rounds of speed chess with 2-minute rounds of boxing. Since 2008, there have been 10 international competitions in London alone. Thought for the Day: “It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into.” -- Jona- than Swift (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc. (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc. CAN‛T FIND “THE MESSENGER”? JOIN THE THOUSANDS READING IT ONLINE! Sign up for FREE VIP alerts when the next E-edition of the DESERT MESSENGER is available @ Between Dec. 30, 2010-Jan. 29,2011 there was 21,115 page views PUZZLE PAGE (page 20) ANSWERS J��� 6, 2011 Moments in Time The History Channel On June 26, 1892, Nobel Prize-win- ning author Pearl S. Buck is born. Her novel “The Good Earth” (1930), de- scribing peasant life in China, became an international bestseller and was translated into 30 languages. Buck wrote 80 novels and books. On June 25, 1915, the German press publishes an offi cial statement from the country’s war command address- ing the German use of poison gas at the start of the Second Battle of Ypres two months earlier. The Germans had fi red more than 150 tons of lethal chlo- rine gas against two French colonial divisions in April, claiming the French had fi rst used gas in August 1914. On June 23, 1927, The Sioux County Pioneer newspaper of North Dakota reports that President Calvin Coolidge will be “adopted” into a Sioux tribe at Fort Yates on the border of North Da- kota. At the Sioux ceremony, photog- raphers captured Coolidge, in suit and tie, as he was given a grand ceremonial feathered headdress.