Desert Messenger

July 6, 2011

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J��� 6, 2011  LETTERS FROM PAGE 5 I could, expressing my hate and what I planned to do. As I looked again at Offi cer Garcia, my heart stopped. I saw a bit of sadness, complete compassion and respect for the deceased and her property. I took a deep breath and apologized to her for my outburst, telling her I was going home. I wrote three letters that night to my sister, Chief Gilbert and one to myself. The image I will carry that is burned deep into my heart and mind is of Offi cer Garcia at the moment when if I had followed then with my plans, I would now be setting in jail, would never again enjoy a long daily walk in the peace and solitude in the desert. I would have caused my dog to be put down, because she wouldn’t allow anyone else to be near her. I know that when I reach that critical point again, that image will come up and I pray to God I let it work on me the way it did that night. To Chief Gilbert and the offi cer who took my call; I want to thank you for your professionalism and kindness to me. To Offi cer Garcia; of all the things that have happened in my life, nothing has affected me and made such a profound impression on me as the image burned in my soul and mind. You have accomplished what all the medical professionals have tried for years. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Nick Ryan, Quartzsite [Editor’s note: the incident took place on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at Hadlock’s RV Park.] LET’S TAKE BACK OUR TOWN! What we have here in our Town is a situation that should have never taken place. We have a “mayor” that does nothing to further our Town’s good image. He has cost our Town in excess of $44,000 in legal fees that was totally unnecessary. He and his few followers are hell-bent on destroying our Town. All you have to do is listen to them at any Town meeting and they will leave no doubt as to what they want. As to this police matter, in my opinion, the dissidents (Jade Jones, Foster, Roth, Stout, Taylor, Oldham, Gilford and a few others) are playing this to the hilt. I don’t think the offi cers really knew that they are playing right into the dissidents’ hands and they are using the offi cers as hard as they can. Now let’s take a look at how these people really think about our Town. Here is a direct quote from one of them on Jade’s censored blog, sent in ���.D�����M��������.��� by “DW”AKA Paul Stout: “Now let’s look at the end result. The supporters of this group of town clowns that own property will be forced to pay the piper for the tunes they called for in the end. On the other hand those that don’t own property can just move on and have a big laugh at how they bankrupted the Town of Quartzsite!” There you have it folks, straight from the horses “mouth”. It’s not too late, let’s take our Town back and ask these dissidents to crawl back wherever they came from. This should be a good reason to have a mayor picked from the existing council. You have already elected the council and I am sure that you would have a voice as to whoever would be chosen for a two year term. Keep in mind that the most important job of the mayor is to be a tie breaker fi rst. Also he or she must be a proper guide for the council meetings. Speeches at grand openings present a proper image to all events and just generally are a good person. In which the present “mayor” is a dismal failure. Wes Huntley, Quartzsite JADE JONES VERSUS MARTIN BRANNAN Jade Jones spoke during Call to The Public at the council meeting 06-28- 2011. She immediately removed the microphone from the stand (which is not allowed, sign on podium) and turned to the public, away from the council (which is not allowed). Many people have been previously prevented from doing this. Town Council Meetings are Business Meetings where Call to The Public is spoken to the Council, not to the public as at Town Hall Meetings. The council members took a vote and all fi ve voted that Jade Jones was out of order. She was asked to leave or be escorted out. She refused, then vigorously resisted arrest and was arrested. Earlier at that meeting, my wife and I both heard Jade Jones say “Let them appoint Martin Brannan; I could beat him with both arms behind my back.” Maybe she should have stated, “I can beat him with both hands cuffed behind my back.” She thinks she is such a great legal mind. It’s not showing! I can’t wait to see her do legal battle with the County Prosecutors and with Mr. Brannan. We will see how well she does. I bet she asks for a public defender. Mr. Brannan’s Extremely Impressive resume is posted on the Town Website under the Council Meeting 6-28-2011. He had 6 separate Army Achievement Metals for exemplary service. His military service awards include: Air Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal (with seven oak leaf clusters) and 8 other ribbons and medals. Mr. Brannan was La Paz County Attorney (2005–2008) and is experienced in Criminal Prosecution (felony, misdemeanor and juvenile), Government Civil Practice, etc. His experience includes more than 40 felony jury trials, Arizona Court of Appeals and Arizona Supreme Court. Quartzsite is extremely fortunate to get this outstanding man as Town Prosecutor. Ron Jones Proud Quartzsite Full Time Resident [Editor’s note: As you noticed, many of this month’s letters to the editor were over the limit of 300 words. I recognize the passion in the peoples’ words and allowed them to speak their minds. If you listen to their words, you too will feel their frustrations along with their gratitude. I’m asking readers to please try to adhere to the 300 word limit in the future. Thank you.] Recycle... P��� 21 it all adds up! Recycle your empty inket cartridges and used cell phones! Help raise funds for the local Arizona Centennial celebration! DROP OFF LOCATIONS: • Horizon Community Bank • Quartzsite Library • Senior Center • General Store • Business Chamber Sponsored by Proud Neighbors of Quartzsite

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