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J��� 6, 2011 OPEN LETTER FROM JOSE LIZARRAGA As many of you know I did resign my Council seat last week. I would like to thank everyone that supported me and helped my through my time on Town Council. I can say that without your help the job would have been impossible. By now many of you know that I have put my name in the hat for the offi ce of Mayor. A funny thing happened while I was collecting signatures. Almost everyone that signed my papers asked me “Why are you doing this to yourself?” I would like to try and answer that the best I can. In short I really do care about this town. I have lived and worked here for almost 20 years. I remember the “good old days”, days when our town’s fathers knew that the good of this town meant much more than that of a few. So many of those people are gone now, people that knew and understood our history and understood that the only way to succeed was to self govern. People that would take the bull by the horn and do what was needed to get the job done, and now I think this town needs a little bit of that. This town is much bigger than you or I and we are all going to have to make uncomfortable sacrifi ces to get back on track. I believe that I can provide the leadership necessary to try and lift the town from the turmoil we fi nd ourselves in. Many will say and believe that I helped cause some of these problems and I will not argue with you. This is a free country and you are more than wel- come to your thoughts and beliefs. I will not say that I made every right vote because that is impossible. As time goes on many times more information comes to light and sometimes you IF YOU HAVEN’T BEEN TO AL’S YOU HAVEN’T BEEN TO QUARTZSITE! Famous Gourmet Pizza Thursday Specials: $ 1 Tacos • $ (in house only) KARAOKE Thurs. Fri. Sat. 7pm Full Service Bar 10am-noon & 3:30pm-5:30pm $ $150 Daily Drink Specials Kitchen Open 10am-10pm HAPPY HOURS: 1 Draft 175 W. Main St. 928-927-5585 Serving Quartsite at Same Location for over 20 years! Gift Shop & Restaurant Breakfast & Lunch NO GIMMICKS! Just Great Food! 60 W. Main Street, Quartzsite (next to the Post Office) 928-927-4000 150 OPEN Magaritas 7 am to 2 pm ���.D����� M��������.��� do realize that a mistake was made. I will say however that I did make every vote with the belief that at the time it was the right vote. If I do return to the Council I will continue to do the same… I will collect all the information I can to try and make an educated decision on the issue that is placed in front of me. I will conduct the meetings with respect for every- one. I will try my best to make sure people are informed with the issue’s at hand. Now for a little rumor control. If elected I will serve out the current term. This term will end in March of 2012. I will not seek another term in offi ce. I only have a few short years left with my children and my hope is to make their high school years amazing. I will not campaign for this election. I will not be putting up signs. I believe that my professionalism and com- petence is worth more than any sign I would put up. I do this because I will not waste your time or deface the town. I believe that almost everyone in Quartzsite already knows how they are going to vote. Signs and speeches will not change the outcome of this election. I do prom- ise that if not elected I will not out up a fi ght. I will respect the will of the voters and go back to my normal life. I also will not be attending Council Meetings the next few months. I will be keeping up on matters to stay informed but will be taking time off to spend some time with my family and to recharge my batteries. Thank you for your time. With Respect, Jose M. Lizarraga P��� 15 WHAT MAKES A GOOD CITIZEN? • A good citizen is some who respects others and their property. • He/she is helpful and considerate, willing to put others fi rst. • He/she listens to the views of others and thinks about what they have to say. • He/she helps people who are not in a posi- tion to help themselves. • He/she respects the environment and does not damage it in anyway. • He/she works hard. • He/she is well mannered and pleasant. • He/she is always willing to learn • Obeys the law • Respects authority • Contributes to society and the community • Loves his/her country • Respects all nationalities • Believes in doing what is right • Stands up for the rights of others • Tries to serve others before him/her self Deadline for Aug. 3rd issue of the Desert Messenger is WED. Wed. July 27 Email: Phone: 541-218-2560 GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! Join your neighbors for a Fundraising Dessert Social at MAIN STREET EATERY Every Wednesday • 6-8pm 205 E. Main St. Quartzsite JUST DESSERTS! All Desserts $250 Charitable organizations: contact Michelle to fi nd out how this event can benefi t your cause 928-308-0011 OPEN for Dinners Thurs. Fri. Sat. 4-7