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P��� 6 and the Many Flags that have fl own over the state- Part 1 (Previous story: “Arizona becomes a territory in 1863”) Arizona has had many different fl ags [Editor’s Note: After this past Memo- rial Day with many tributes using the United States and Arizona State fl ags, our contributor went back to one of Ro- salee Wheeler’s favorite stories from her In the Shadow of Saguaros books, “The History of Arizona’s State Flag.” With the Centennial of Arizona’s Statehood upon us, Rosalee’s story may reveal some interesting facts in this and the next two issues of the Desert Messenger.] fl own over its uniquely different lands. Back in 1536 Antonio de Mendoza, the Viceroy of New Spain, was lead to be- lieve the fantastic stories told by four shipwrecked Spanish sailors of seven beautiful cities of gold in its Northern Provinces. To check out the fabled cit- ies, Mendoza sent a trusted priest, Fray Marcos de Niza, with a small band led by Esteban, one of the shipwrecked soldiers. With them came the FIRST FLAG to be carried over Arizona, the Castilian fl ag of Spain. Born in reli- ARIZONA WESTCOAST REALTY Realtors: BARBARA COWELL 928-916-4222, Cell CAROLYN GUTHRIE 928-916-8469, Cell JOHN YACKLEY, BROKER 928-916-1195, Cell E-mail: 360 N. Plymouth Ave., Quartzsite • • 928-927-8900 Arizona Westcoast Realty has Commercial, Residential and Land listings, mainly in Quartzsite but also the surrounding area. Although the Real Estate Industry has been hit hard by forclosures, we have not seen many forclosures in Quartzsite. Prices of property has declined in the area, but not like other areas where prices have been spiraling downward by forclosures. Demand has fallen in the area and supply has increased which has brought prices down some. The majority of property purchased in our area is cash, therefore, not many defaults. Another factor that helps stabilize prices in this area and all of La Paz County is that only 4.8% of the land in our county is privately owned. The rest of the land belongs to either Bureau of Land Management, State of Arizona, or Indian Reservation. If you are Interested in Selling or Buying in the area contact the Professionals at Arizona Westcoast Realty. If you are buying property and are interested in other Real Estate Companies listings, please contact us and we will represent you exclusively. We are a member of the Multiple Listing Service which covers the Colorado River area from Bullhead, King- man and all the way South to La Paz Valley and Rainbow acres. We are members of the National Association of Realtors, Arizona Association of Realtors and the La Paz Association of Realtors. An appraisal is an opinion, not a material fact. A Broker’s Price Opinion is just that, an Opinion. The true value of any property is what a Buyer is willing to pay for it and a Seller is willing to sell it for. This is referred to as “a meeting of the minds.” A thought comes to my mind on almost every transaction, “property owned is worth more than when it is not owned.” Come see us for any of your Real Estate needs, questions, help, advice, etc. No charge for questions! 928-927-8900 • Home Health Care Visits • Home Health Aides • Durable Medical Equipment • On Call Nurses 24 hours/day • New Medication/Disease Education Home healthcare is covered by most insurance companies. We accept all private insurances. Medicare/Medicaid Certifi ed. If you or a loved one need home health care contact your Community Liaison of Parker Angela Meek 928-412-7612 La Paz Valley, Rainbow Acres, Brenda, Bouse, Salome, In Home Health Care Now in Quartzsite Ehrenberg, Hope, Wenden, Poston, Parker. Coming soon to Big River & Blythe, Calif. The History of Arizona’s State Flag... ���.D�����M��������.��� VOICES FROM THE PAST Excerpts from “In the Shadow of Saguaros” By Rosalee Oldham Wheeler Find In the Shadow of Saguaros at Readers Oasis Bookstore, Qtz. gious confl ict, it was carried into Ari- zona with great hope but carried out in shame. Back in 1492 Christopher Co- lumbus had also carried the fl ag of the Kingdom of Castile and Leon for Spain when he landed on the shores of San Salvador. The legendary Seven Cities of Ci- bola was not found and Esteban had offended the Indians in the Northern Provinces, so they killed him. Not be- ing deterred, Fray Marcos was sure the cities were out there, so he returned to Mexico City with made-up tales of gold- domed structures. Mendoza heard what he wanted to hear and in 1540 launched a full expedition to be led by Francisco Vasquez de Coronado. The departure was spectacular as Coro- nado led a contingency of 100 horse- men, 187-foot soldiers, 1,000 Indian carriers and over a thousand cattle, pigs, sheep, chickens, and pack animals in support of the entou- rage. With their shining armor, the Castilian fl ag, and colorful banners wav- ing they began their trek up the road Castillian Flag of Spain 1540 SEE FLAGS ON PAGE 12 J��� 1, 2011