Desert Messenger

June 1, 2011

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P��� 18 QUARTZSITE, AZ -Assisted Living Fa- cility: Last week MCD Management reported to Planning and Zoning that they had gotten the go ahead from Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to commence with the Facility in Quartzsite, a representative from HUD was here on Wed. May 25, to look over the land and reportedly said “I am very pleased with what I see”. Plans are to break ground within the next 4 months. A letter from United States Congress- man Raul Grijalva was sent to the US Department of Agriculture in support of our waste water treatment plant expan- sion project. Following is the letter, “I am writing this letter to express my interest in the Town of Quartzsite’s grant application for fi nancial assis- tance from the U.S. Department of Ag- riculture’s Water and Waste Disposal Systems for Rural Communities grant program. The funding will enable the town to expand its wastewater treat- ment plant. For Quartzsite, this repre- sents an urgent and vital project that is critical to its economic growth and development. This project will also enhance Quartzsite’s ability to provide water service to its low and moderate income families. “As a member of Congress and a long time resident of Southern Arizona, I fully support the town of Quartzsite’s request. ���.D�����M��������.��� Updates from Council Member Patricia Anderson “The work I do on the House Natural Resources Committee and as Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Na- tion Parks, Forests and Public Lands provides me with a clear grasp of the importance of balancing the water needs of rural communities with en- vironmental policy and regulations. Quartzsite aims to meet the require- ments set out by the Arizona Depart- ment of Environmental Quality with assistance from the Department of Agriculture. This sort of partnership is exactly what this grant program is intended for and I encourage strong consideration of this proposal. “Projects proposed by the Town of Quartzsite that are supported by De- partment of Agriculture initiatives like this grant program help ensure that rural communities across Amer- ica can sustainably meet their water needs without major impact on the surrounding environment. This is an achievable balance. The Department of Agriculture’s fi nancial support will signifi cantly improve the community’s access to potable water. I hope that you will give serious consideration to their application.” Riggles Road Improvement Project: funds have been received, Survey and traffi c control setup are scheduled to begin June 20, with a completion date of Aug. 29, 2011. ARCO station (AM/ PM) is also scheduled to begin their The 6 PILLARS OF CHARACTER Coupon For RESPECT : ing children use this Pillar of Character, please sign and date. The student turning in the most coupons to Main St. Eatery by September 1, 2011 wins a prize. Please make copies. Additional coupons for other Pillars of Char- acter will be published in the Desert Messenger throughout the summer. Parents, community partners: when observ- expansion project on June 20th. Park Place RV. The park now has a new owner, and plans are to add a clubhouse to the property. The next Town Hall Meeting will be on June 15, at 3:00 PM at the Senior Center. If you need a ride call Town Hall at 927-4333. Patricia Anderson Quartzsite Town Council THOUGHTBUSTER.COM By Coach Louise Rouse The Three Monkeys “This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use, as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is some- thing that you have left behind... let it be something good.”~ Unknown Today look in the mirror and see your beauty! You are a beautiful, magnifi cent, spir- itual being. Today let your light shine. Today you can drop the coat of suspi- cion, let go of defensiveness. Surrender to trusting that you are Treat others with re- spect; follow the Golden Rule • Be tolerant and accepting of differences • Use good manners, not bad language • Be considerate of the feel- ings of others • Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone • Deal peaceful- ly with anger, insults, and disagreements Act of RESPECT performed: ______________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Child’s Name: ___________________________ Child’s Age: ________ Date________________ Signature_______________________________ worthy!! You are loved, and you deserve love. Fear melts like snow in the sun when you know everything is going to be all right. Love is powerful, you are worthy of receiving love and you are love. Love is an invisible power that sur- round you, helps you, protects you, guides you, heals you, and inspires you. Love comes in the day and the night, when you open your heart, and listen, feel, and see with the eyes of the three monkeys. The fi rst monkey is see no evil, the second monkey is speak no evil, and the third monkey is hear no evil. If you would become willing to believe all these things, how would your life change? Today forgive those you have griev- ances over. Let go of any bad feelings. They do not serve you. Shake them off, hand them over to the Divine. Feel the freeing feeling of freedom, real freedom, which is when you choose what you think and feel. Today walk in nature, lay on the ground and feel connected with the earth. Send Mother Earth healing. Today when you drink a glass of wa- ter, give thanks to the water and as the water pours down your throat, think of how it is healing every cell in your body. Today is a new beginning. Make your life a life well spent. Always remember how magnifi cent you are. Unique like no other, there is only one of you. You are exceptional, worthy of note. You are a precious gift to the world. Your gift is - you being you. Thank you. The planet is going through changes, so are we. If you feel called to help, become a Planetary Coach, visit my new website: I send you love, Coach Louise Rouse 2011 Copyright, Louise Rouse J��� 1, 2011 HAVE A HAPPY

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